Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is A Black Mystery Snail A Decomposer

Kick Off - back home

I hope, you are ready for the flood of images that will follow now, otherwise get yourself first even a cup of coffee ;-))

On Friday afternoon I'm comfortable with broken Moni Frankfurt / Oberursel ... we have the evening equal with Jessika , Maria and Melli agreed, cozy eat together and then we hit the bar with a few other demos. It's really funny to take all the other demos and die crazy talk. After breakfast in the lobby was already a lot going on and it was replaced as wild. I got some veeery Schenklis wonderful that I would not hide from you ...

From my love Melli I got this wonderful lamp and box of goodies. Here, once packed ..

... and here both unpacked ... was quite speechless, because everything is so pretty, yet to in my favorite colors and packed as full of love * Bussi *

Jessika has surprised me with an Exploding box ... because you know how I leave on the buttons, I was able to celebrate Christmas * * lol ... for in the box a veeery huge wonderful collection of the most beautiful buttons ... now you have to live with it to see in the near future seeeehr many projects with buttons was ;-)) Daaaaankeschön!

from my upline Mel I have given a very special case To get as a reward for my promotion to Silver 1 * wink *.. in the bag was a beautifully wrapped gift that I have but only opened at home. Mel has pimped for me an address book, and working around to the right packaging, it was still a nice pen and a small trailer with my initials * happy *.

given there's still this sweet card ..

. ... Is the coolest but still containing the pocket ;-)) it's been fact last year in London to buy at the convention, I was not in London, I never can thus be called a genius bag my own, but now she is MEEEEIIIIN. Oh, I'm lookin!

From Romana I get paid to great this package, it looks like it was built from one of our envelopes, a really great idea, it was a pimped notepad * * ganzgerührtbin

Christin has crocheted for me this whole mountain Schmettis because I was so pretty ... sooo terribly fond knutsch * *

Moni me tinkered a little thank you, they know how I'm set up and that I have everything that has points think that great ... no wonder I've got this pretty box with dots of paper and points napkin ;-))

and filled it was, how should it be different .. with small toadstools ... sooooo cute!

We then get the new products have demonstrated that there will be in the mini catalog .... HAMMER!! Be prepared for some things that your heart will beat faster ;-)) Of course there were also re-presents (one stamp set from the Mini and a pack of colored cardboard) ... and then I was lucky to still win the grooooooße even in a drawing * * happy ... the price I can show you, unfortunately, not yet ;-)) for it is also a product of the Mini ....

Trade Count I of course also eager to tell me I've almost got the most ;-) I had made 100 swaps that I am "getting rid of" all ... here I like this a few times Photos:

And here is what I have ertauscht for a variety of beautiful cards ...

... and soooo beautiful packaging ideas, I've still not seen it enough.

Then I have taken part in two-Card Candy swaps, once as Teamswap (here's my review)

.. and once for the Gruppenswap the Jenni organized ...

And these are my ertauschten Card Candy ....

It really was a great time and I'm looking forward to our next meeting!

With every click I'm one step closer to my request! Just one click x on the day!

Dankeschöööööön!! * * Knutsch

Thanks for all the hard-working clicker, my first wish came true already! * Smile *


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