Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diaper Cake Instructions

Brownie, Blondie and Redhead

The child kidnapper gang consisted of three ex-cocaine-thin supermodels who are still in good shape, but a bit too old were for business and her boss, a mysterious Mr. X, who passed his instructions via cell phone at her. By its apparent tendency to Bolivian Marschierpulver the gang "Kokabande" was called. They had in their criminal appearances usually a small group of robots here, discontinued models, which were shot by the police regularly. The models had not previously accessible managed to escape and the press in the world capital BOREAL, located on the Greenland ice-free, had something to stuff around the silly season. Finally, they were too bold: it was not only homeless street kids who stole it off the street, but now they kidnapped children from rich and from the wheels of their strollers. When then came up even a rumor that the kids were determined not only to adoption for the Haves in the Alphaville's other cities, but served to cruel experiments of Mr. X, was the great indignation: both among the Haves , as well as the Havenots . The city fathers were forced to act. That was the moment at which they have their best man, Terrence Gould, summoned. Gould was an imposing appearance. He loved the cowboy costume to walk through his life. were dominated by a Stetson adorned his head, his wrinkled face of a white mustache and two steel-blue eyes. He wore a preference Frans jackets with jeans and pointed boots. His holster was hanging very low on his belt buckle from the Horn Man showed that put his foot on a slain buffalo. Gould had dealt with the quickest hand under the Cops of Boreal and joke that only a certain cartoon character moved faster than him. The success of the Gould had under his belt, were considerable. One bright May morning, he entered the office of Mayor Fink Elsteen, and his first question was, "How do the three children zugekoksten thieves? had Shaken, stirred, or grilled? "
" On the whole, when it comes, "said one of the men in black suits, sitting at Fink Elsteen, and upon entering Gould made no move to . Collect Gould had never seen the two, but closed its kind of repellent that they were members of the PPM, the infamous problem-person garbage . "What the guys have to do with it?" Asked Gould and stroked the inlaid with tortoiseshell handle of his multi Blasters latest design.
She will assist them. They are Smith and Droll. Smith and Drolls are not their real names, from which they can conclude that they belong to a Regierunsgbehörde that operates in secret. "
Gould sniffed: "And if the men are so clever, why Kokabande then runs around still free"
Smith, whose real name was not Smith smiled coldly, "Because the chicks are always with new tricks. We have already mourning two deaths. "
" In the TV they brought them, of course, nothing, "Fink Elsteen hastened to say. "But now, the three sluts ready to launch. We know everything about their next coup. Smith and Droll have done a great job. "
Gould asked irritated: 'If the matter is child's play, why would I tried then "
Fink Elsteen smiled sheepishly:" The TV Stations of BOREAL will be there. We want the three sluts do not just the craft, we want the craft media attention place - they understand it but Gould "
Gould laughed wide? , with his impeccable Teeth flashing left.
"That's me. Smith, Smith is not and Droll, is not the Droll, could swing the child also does not only imply that because they do not expose their visages may "
Drolls cleared his throat." Yes. How the system works. Without the people in the shadow of the people would be lost in the spotlight. "
" Do you have a heroic face, get you to the TV, you, "a radio face, go to the secret service, joked Gould, which the cold nature of the two ties not at all wanted to please.
'time, slowly, Cowboy, "coveted Smith, and with a look at Goulds Blaster, he said:" Did you know that the purchase and use of tortoiseshell is illegal "
"Gentlemen, do they get along," Fink Elsteen intervened. "We still ultimately all pull together."


Gould looked at the three supermodels. About the department store video system. Blondie, Brownie and Redhead were unrecognizable. They wore ridiculous wigs and sunglasses and behaved like they do not belong together. Blondie now involved a child who had stopped in front of a cotton candy stand, in a conversation, it took the hand and went with him to the elevator. Gould's directives were clear. The slider of Kokabande stood on the rooftop park. There, he should strike. In the lenses of dozens of TV drones. "Well, I'm going to," said Gould. He knocks on the thigh of his jeans caress the hilt of his multi Blasters and rose. "Good hunting, Gould," called him by one of the store detectives. Gould presented him with a casual wave. At the park roof, it was windy. Droll and he saw Smith with old ladies dressed charge purchases in a glider. Gould knew that were hidden in the shopping bags heavy Paralysepistolen. Even if Gould not immediately met: the two would step in to help and make things look like as if the hero is nevertheless taken. If worse comes down, it was under the TV drones some cuckoo eggs: their lenses were equipped with Hypnostrahler, the Brownie, Blondie and Redhead were able to take mentally. "The child is with the Brownie," Gould heard the operational headquarters of his ear receiver. Care, the other two come out of the elevator next to them. "" Understood, whispered Gould and acted as if he would prefer the rubber bear from a vending machine. He heard the three women. In a language that his ears were completely unfamiliar. The child asked: "Where is the giant teddy bear, aunt," Gould knew he could not wait a second longer. He whirls around, took a quick look up, to the just released TV drones, and cried theatrically: "closing time, her super-sluts" He gloated over their open mouths and finished the group with severe Paralysefeuer. But only the child fell down like a sack. Brownie pointed at him. Goulds heat brushed face. Something smell of charred flesh. "Take cover Gould! They are taken, "she cried in his ear receiver. "The fire from their fingers," Terrence Gould staggered backwards. He fumbled on the settings of his multi-Blasters. Another laser beam grazed his ear. Gould himself never would have thought that it would come to the extreme! The models were cyborgs, equipped with sophisticated weapons. Within a brief moment he realized that Smith and Droll had never had a chance. And he felt with burgeoning panic that he was fighting for his life. Parts of his face was charred, risen to be proud mustache in smoke. With an angry nod, he shook his head from the burning Stetson, where he fell off an ear. It looked like a shrunken damn! Gould knew that the eyes of the TV world resting on him. At the same time it was clear he was not allowed to climb down. He was guilty of the boreal and Fink Elsteen. More laser beams flashed from the fingers of the blonde. Gould taught himself with a pike jump behind a boundary wall to safety. Two step beside him was the roof over. He shook his multi-Blaster and swore. Jam! Nothing doing! Now even fell out a tortoise-shell inlay. No, that was not his day today! With a mighty cry of an old lady with a burning wig dove over the wall. Funny! The unfortunate man had too much momentum. Gould could not react more, and disappeared with great Drolls Eyes in the abyss. Gould looked after him. He began in his Indian clothes in turn like a windmill, which made his fatal crash a comic touch. Now the second lady sailed over the low wall and disappeared with a cry in the deep! Something went wrong in a terrible way. Gould got it in his ear receiver to hear: "The hat is burning, Gould. The three sluts have not responded to the Paralysestrahlen. You have Droll and Smith tossed with Kung-Fu movements in the deep! put in their bodies, the very latest cyborg technology. God knows where they have the sudden, "
" Thank you, that they figure it out there now, Headquarters, "
" Are they badly injured? Our drones only show their backs. "
" Do not mention it, "" Shall we let the drones intervene? "No, that I alone am ready," exclaimed Gould. He switched on his multi Phaser all systems . A light showed, it worked again. He stood up and fired at the Kokabande, there was no tomorrow. The entire bouquet of radiation pelted down on the three ladies! Laser, paralysis, cold and even disintegration rays! But the three had holed up ExModels! only a few sliders turned to dust, and in the distance were some flags on fire!
»To you, you bitches, if you have some guts your drug infested Body!" Gould roared through the parking deck.
"Gould remain, they take cover, which is suicidal! And fundamental kind as they look like? "It came from the headquarters.
"A Terrence Gould is there is not," he cried. He shot like mad around. Then he saw a thin Model-body will soar! In the next second he was taken under fire from above. Gould sank to his knees. His body was steeled to pieces. He had to be verkrümmeln ... He ... And this was not Gould. But what was in Gould's body, and that had nothing to do with a dashing hero. At least outwardly. The last shreds of Goulds fringe jacket, his jeans and his pointy boots, went up in flames. His face went by in a fiery blaze, and was among the charred remains of the heroes of an about 1 Meter50 measured, glassy made visible pulsed under the thin skin alien bodies! Which was one second up straight, on four small, crooked legs, and looked with black button eyes rushed around. Then secreted from a pool of bright mucus, probably out of fear. From the throats of millions of TV viewers came a cry of surprise, in the various sounds of disgust passed over! Made the glassy wall cleverly like a weasel, and a shiny slime trail leaving behind the image. The editor in the headquarters of the mouth was left open and he had the reputation of "advertising insert" in such cases, the curtain descends the banality, completely forgot. Instead, he gave his TV drones the task the pursuit of the slimy take refugee. The others remained on the scene at the parking deck. There, the three cyborg sluts the paralyzed child thrown into the trunk of her glider and squeezed into the cockpit. The center gave the order to fire. The fuselage of the glider is discolored brown and threw bubbles! The models fell down on the crates and coughing and choking on the concrete. "Give it to them to stay with poison gas of the rest Where the boys from the task force?" Cried the squad leader. The screens gave the answer. Half a dozen black helmeted figures poured out of one of the elevators, while one of the drones threw poison gas cartridges. In the center wanted to breathe even easier when Models are straight up again, took on the hands, and began to run - jumped into the deep!


"is ... the police now BOREAL of a hostile takeover of our beloved fellow citizen Terrence Gould by an unknown species from. A screening of all people on earth under the motto , the glass maggots no chance is underway. It is free and harmless. This Glass maggots nesting in a human body and eventually fill in all the internal organs, while the victim has safely outside. The skin of the victim does not change its consistency can not but wither the internal organs. An autopsy of Gould's remains showed that his brain had shrunk to tennis ball size. As long as the glass Made in Gould's already lived body is not yet known. The maggot has imitated his personality. Not only that, they also acted as Gould. She behaved in the service of people. The motives of the Glass Made are unclear. Terrence Gould at any rate, it is insured, is dead .. "
This last sentence caused an outcry before the TV cameras. Especially among Gould's female fans. Of course, immediately shot down conspiracy theories run wild. Gould lived on a desert island, etc. But Gould was gone.


deep in an underground laboratory in the jungles of the Amazon shrunken Mitrofan Jong leaned back and relax. A female child with blonde hair Cyborg served him tea.
"Thank you, Alice. How are your batteries? "
"All systems are running smoothly, Mr. Jong," answered the child. The scientist he stroked her hair. With its multi-function Cyber hand. Here he made no effort to disguise it with a skin substitute. The same hands had taken his three-girl model. Before he had liquidated by suicide circuit. "Too bad about the three. . They were my best, "Turning to Alice, he continued:" But I have you. You will represent the new generation of supermodels! Durability 100 years! You look like 17 when your contemporaries have long sitting in a wheelchair. What do you say? "Alice grinned at him with a warm laughter of children. She had Mitrofan accepted as her father. The drunkard and the howler monkey, which they had witnessed was forgotten. Mitrofan suddenly looked like he was reminded of something distant and held one of his monologues transition.
I does not like children, Alice. They are loud, time-consuming, anpasslerisch, expensive, brand-horny, so stupid allies of capitalism, killjoys, Urlaubsvernichter and urge parents to their idiot language. And despite all these disgusting things they are "objects of a vile, horrible cult children! He stopped short, as if he had said too much. Then he stroked Alice's hair. "Until on you, of course, Alice, and my other works of art! You are perfect. You are my cyborg Kiddis. You are in for a great career. Let us thank the legislators who are stupid enough to ban cyborg surgery, but deny the treated human to human rights can not. Do you understand that, Alice? "
" Yes, is that a legal loophole, "answered the child.

Dumplepumpf, the name of the glass-made, had succeeded with amazing skill to evade the TV drones. It had some Took days before Dumplepumpf had been reached in the depths of the Pacific wohlverborgenens UFO. Miss Courageous he got behind the wheel. That was thoroughly gone wrong. Never again would he be able to play the hero on this planet. But, and this made him sigh again relieved there were so many other planets, that residents without heroes simply could not exist. "Off to pastures new," cried he, and before the first Hyper maneuvers, he headed the degeneration of his body. To again take on different heroes can body, he had to be small enough that is ...



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