Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ears Hurt After Drinking Alcohol



I would have, if not this general ... I had no ID it, yes, but he would have passed me, would have I can redirect the damn rocket. I know it was my idea, the radioactive waste into the sun to shoot, but all have endorsed it, too, Mr President. This should now be no excuse. But I'll pay for this shit alone. I will not be the scapegoat. The chances of it going wrong were one in 50 million. And the thousands of contaminated the failure of the evacuation plans are due. I could not imagine that these plans were at hand! As long as the Cold War is not over.


I would have, if this holiday would come between them, honey. I would have told you everything, everything. But I should you ruin your vacation by the beach I'll tell you Hasi, I vögl for one year to another? This week I would have confessed everything. Why she was wearing your pumps? She wanted to know everything about you. Also what kind of perfume you use. We were therefore in our marriage bed because her apartment is painted. You would have to say that you are used to cure your back. Yes, she was wearing your fishnets. Snap 'please, do not. How should I go to hell?


Uh, that can happen when flaming, dear viewer, but you do not need a fire extinguisher, just to pop the top down. Excuse me, now is also the milk ... ah, just still be saved, they see that is the charm of a live broadcast dear viewers, do not run away, Nadine, nice chop the onion further, this is not a major fire, like fire, the Faschingsdeko? In fact, direction, a fire extinguisher, I do not know who has the paper lanterns hung over the hearth, Director!, Fire extinguisher! ... This is no reason to cancel the show, ladies and viewers, they get their scallops floating in Käsesee. ..


I would have, if the decision would be so sacred. I could have said it all. But what if the big company for some reason fails? My Weimarianer had is torn the mouth.
Hoppala, but that was changed almost threw. "Driver? The man driving a bit more careful, "says What the firmament? Light cirrus clouds. A beautiful September day. And I, the painter Carmen, on the way to Rome. I can not quite grasp not always. Only this strange figure in the inn. I had the feeling that they are following me. But still. Who is calm, it shall be helped.


Uh, I was not the only one. All have encountered. There was screaming and scratching. Two have had her hair pulled. Stockings by 50 cents! Panties for a €! Some women are there to piranhas. She bumped into me, and I've pushed. Who could suspect because they bangs his head against the edge of the bargain bins? She lay on the ground, but they believe any of these screaming women would notice? It has not alleviated her. Only when the blood oozed from this laceration. Since you have looked stupid. She died, I did not want.


Uh, why this passage is like a Wikipedia article? And that seems to come from among them Shakespeare-Online? Well, I think this piece of lousy. Yes, King John is a miserable, confused piece. I was unable to read it yourself! It would have been, as I would have had to swallow five 300 gram bars of chocolate. Therefore, and the final 1 1 from the Epilogue of the book "Shakespeare for allegedly" taken over. How, sir, they do not know at all? I mean, because they always throw around with Shakespeare quotes. That was not meant to be spiteful. What failed? Why is that?


Uh, that would mean, of course, it gets colder, ahem, pardon. The rainfall will nichtsdestorotz pardon,, despite of course back, but clearly, those who think this weather is not to snot, hihi. Only in the Alps last flakes, otherwise bright and relatively dry. This has rhymed now, and besides, it is cold in the studio. They see it on my nipples. Faith they do not tell me that the weather is so excited, dear viewer, or the fact that millions love my naked tits, it's the cold, her nipples large and small penises makes, one can say that penises, hehe, they have a beautiful evening.


Uh, I would call it bad luck, sir. Yes. I know the planet is over. But he was not very far on. No, no manned space flight, they arrived just to its moon. How, indeed who is also out. Also, a molecular cloud in outer space. How? The connection is abysmal. Ah, how many. Six billion. Yes. All gone. Stupid story, I know. There is a need for clarification before giving the plenary. Can not cover up the affair. These are too many television waves in space. Yes. TV they had in 70 years. Radio longer still. The construction of the Hyper-Way will be continued.



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