Saturday, December 26, 2009

Great Volleyball Cameltoe

The wonderful harvest life of contemplation Antonio

He was not a bookworm, he was not a bookworm, he was a text-eater. The total lack of parental care has meant that he began to eat at the tender age of 10 texts. He ate the first major children's and youth shows, like THE THREE QUESTION MARKS, MARK BRANDIS, TERROR CASTLE ROCK, only to his cravings with last PERRY RHODAN silent. This series appeared in the early 80s in five (sic) conditions, there was the Perry Rhodan paperbacks, Perry Rhodan silver volumes and when he found a second hand store 200 books at once, it had happened to him. As did outside the window the sun will shine, because it might rain hail or snow, as nuclear bombs might go off, or asteroid strike, earthquake raging, roaring, or tsunamis. He was no longer true, the world, the bloody, the present, the halting, the mouths of the chattering, he read, and he ate when he was reading. Parents, school, Friends were nothing to him, the text was feeding his passion! He read and ate, but he did not care, because no one cared about him. Then, at 16, he read, think about it silently talking to himself, he put the book from which he had eaten this sentence out, and walked upriver, sentence by sentence, questions shaping issues restlessly in his working spirit, and back into the family home he was drunk on his silent speeches in the brain. He read, as he devoured books, and digested by talking quietly to himself. He devoured and digested, digested and consumed, Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Schiller, Klopstock, Lenz, Spinoza, Kant and Goethe repeatedly Goethe, Goethe and Goethe up the menu, the menu downloaded. He had become addicted to eating text, word-Pothead, and punctuation junkie, which looked at his dealer, the local bookseller, his addiction, and stationery dealer he soon saw his writing addiction. For now, he ate texts, digested it, saying quietly to himself, and retired the final product once more: in the form of text! Only now the cycle of words was closed.
texts eat, digest and shit: that was his driving fate, while the world around him was broken, his parents divorced, he left school, the Columbia burst, burst of communism, the dream of physicists of the world formula burst, he broke with his own family, And last discovered the alcohol. But that's another addiction, and is not nearly as diverse as the text-bulimia, suffering from its most terrible form of contemplation was Antonio. Yes ill, because with the Textfresskotzsucht obtain it, as with all other addictions: one day you do not see more of sheer alcohol the alcohol out of sheer coke, the coke no more, for sheer sex sex any more, and as you can see some point sheer words not the words. Particularly, the words, read, thought, and played back, or be eaten, digested and roped weird transparent and meaningless, and unreal small, so that when Antonio contemplate one day woke up, feeling that he now shudder at the words, read, thought, spoken, but most of all from the self-written. He got up, went to the bathroom, choked, throwing up, so she decided that from now on even the alcohol, but above all else the words abjure, and with skin and hair of mathematics prescribe, and the many cups tea, which formed in his mind's eye already an infinite series.



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