Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Much Are The Movie At Silver City


Whence came "Huhu" what age he had, and what sex? He was manly. The age was indeterminate, between 50 and 70 Where he was from, did not Karl. Morning when the sun came up over the Kaiser mountains, he had run. All day he walked on the sidewalk in front of the nursing home where he lived, back and forth.
He used to give the passing cars characters. Some drivers slowed the speed irritated. The caretaker him sometimes stretched one. To get rid of garbage. For watering the lawn. For this he was praised. His vocabulary consisted of a handful of sounds. "Huhu" was his favorite sound. A geriatric nurse translated it: "Huhu" "? Fornication, which, Joseph fornication you are angry again,"
said Huhu
Karl turned from the window
He read two words together in his alphabet soup were today... it "pansy" and "vale of tears." The noodle letters came from a pack that had left the Elapsed. for how many months? "noodle letters ...", he mumbled, and the spoon clattered to the porcelain.
rising heat of the summer day.
Now he was sitting on the bike, up to the other city further up the valley. There lived the Elapsed and his small image, four years old. Stretchosen. The black shiny, wobbly buttocks of a cyclist in front of him. Harvest workers on the field of oppressive sun. He is halfway out of breath. He tears his clothes and jumps into the icy Ziller ...
For the remaining 30 kilometers, it takes the train. Excessive construction activity along the railway embankment.
Hall in the avenue.
Yes, the absurdly friendly street sweeper was there. He cleaned the alley, which was always perfectly clean. He made some signs. Today, he was eager to shake his hand. Karl she dug even deeper into his pockets. Past the loony bin. The inmates even had a miniature golf course. It was overgrown. Today, two were playing. One went suddenly with rapid steps to the hole, had struck the ball into the other, took him out, and stuffed it into his mouth. Then
swimming, with the small image, steel blue of the sky, the northern chain Sonnenglast. On the high, often winding slide. The heart of the little people drumming excitement. He has no fear. Father is there for. A fat guy who actually pulled the pants on the butt before he slipped. In order to gain speed. The image of the former lover returned. At dusk the train station, the youths in the small park. Glowing cigarettes. Cloud Tower and rain now. Rain line at the train window.
A cow trotting infinitely slow, on the most boring field of the world, through the rain to their tinny water trough. The yellow marks in both ears. He feels the yellow marks in his ears. He sees it in the ears of the man's left hand hygiene problem. He sees her face in the ears of the two giggling schoolgirls him.
home in his shop sees Karl out of the window. Huhu in the dark before the nursing home. Late suppliers. You do not know Huhu. Who threw himself in Herrenpose. They give out their rolling carts, Huhu pushes his "Huhu" show, and made paddling arm movements, which mean: "Hurry up, gemma, gemma work, faster. "
Suppliers pretend that they did not see him.
go quietly after their unloading, and Huhu, is an arrogant boss, here.
Huhu with hands on her hips.
The janitor comes.
"No, no, Joseph. That's fine. The've been doing this right. "
He takes him into it with him. An ambulance driving slowly. He is in no hurry. He transported a dead body. In front of the computer screen. "Bitchal91 has written back. You want to meet Charles. At the fortress, there was a concert tomorrow. Divine spark of joy. View outside. In the light cones of the lanterns, the rain drops. Tired to bed, just the news, a lightless clown is leaving the helm of the ship of state, the next is ready and a dream: Karl is the covered passage up fortress. It darkens, but all doors are open. Bullet holes in the wood. The last gate is closed. No tour, no "Bitchal91. Behind the gate sounds like work. Iron supports clink together. Then the loud "Hoe!" A worker, as if a second worker had not been paying attention. The moon lit up suddenly a giant. The zahnlückige, wrinkled head sits on a thick neck. It's a head like a tree trunk. It is "Huhu" and he cast stones down from the mountain, in the flow. High injected to the spray. The giant "Huhu" has yellow marks in the ears.



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