Monday, August 10, 2009

Mobile Animated Adult Gif

teenage love

It was a sunny April afternoon in the mid 90s, the last century. I sat in the back seat of Ivy's Vespa. We drove along the Innauer. With one arm wrapped around I held her soft belly, among others, I had clamped the nylon bag with the grub. would provide for wine and beer Brit, Ivy had reportedly. The wind was underlined by the nose, my thoughts turned loose by themselves. By coincidence I had once seen Ivy's bare step. The black fur gave her almost to the navel. She was very bushy for a sixteen year old. Often and often had I imagined how I fucked her. It is this film entertained me even now. As the bloated, face my fury room Lessor Herta Harm pushed in between, and I was reminded of the meat hook reality of my circumstances. I lived in a small room, and the settlement check my last job was with five-month booze is not much left. The next rent was due tomorrow, and I would not be able to pay. With the few mice that I had, I could probably exist for another 3 weeks. Troubles were in the air. But not here and now, not today, not Ivy's soft back. They turned off the shores, and held on a sandbar. I saw Brit Sitting on a rock on the shore and read a book. We dismounted, and Ivy picked up the helmet. She was tall, slim and had the first sight, a pleasing face, dark hair that she wore close-cropped, black, almond-shaped eyes, a nose not too small, and always damp Kirschmündchen. Did she know you more, but fell one a certain lifelessness in her face on. She had a quirky sense of humor, she could laugh, but was not more than a short Hinsch Auer over her young face that looked almost as if she had only two dimensions.
"Hey, Brit."
"Hi, Karl." Brit
gave me a smile, and I remembered their great Pugs on. Since we last met, they seemed to be still growing. Unlike Ivy, sat at the Brit sex right on the body surface. He was in their laughter and in their movements. She was small, almost chubby, but only almost: the bacon was sitting with her in the right places. Ivy seemed to have well preserved their sex. In a secret compartment. And she had a crush on me. If I could believe the words of Brits. More than once she had me put this delicate secret. Ivy has a crush on you, Karl So ". Because they were, Ivy and Brit. The April sun was shining and sparkling water in the shallow shore, I saw three two-liter of white wine. In the lowland forest humming bird. The water gurgled ... peace. I was the guy of come from nowhere to exist three weeks ago, and at the River Inn was. It attracted food and wine and woman, and I saw her lying in the sand, drunk, half naked, laughing like children orgies, I saw orgies.
You look bargain when you had a sun stroke, "Brit noted. "Or are you already crumpled?" The Brit was typical. As an opener, there was usually a Herunterholer.
"No. Is not he, "I defended Ivy," I feel at least noticed anything. "Two girls about 12 years appeared on the sandbank, hesitated when they saw us, but then fell rapidly to the rocky shore, a little upstream. They took off their shoes and dipped their toes into the water. They were slim, pretty, and wore short pants. One of the other whispered something in her ear and she giggled.
"Where do we actually make our little fire?" I asked in sudden enthusiasm. Brit read, Ivy was there a double-liter open. My question sank like a stone in the Inn. I lay long in the dry sand, and squinted into the sun. Three paper cups were on hand, Ivy poured. We clinked glasses. I poured myself the white throat, as if he had a thirst quencher.
"Do not drink so fast, Karl," Ivy said, "you know, how will you then."
"I honestly do not know exactly how I will. and is a good thing. "Oh, do" not so clever, "said Ivy. Brit turns around in mock irritation to me. "You do not know,"
I mean?.? If I will, as I will, I've forgotten half of it, "
" That's not kidding, "said Brit.
Yes. Blackout. as I usually come to me but before log-sucking somehow anticipated. "
" wise Anticipated ... "echoed Ivy. She chuckled with amusement. Brit punished them with a look, as if there is nothing from to laugh.
"You can not remember the half?" After hooked Brit. She wanted to know.
"But, yes. This is practical. The next day I forgot the stories that I experienced. And they can let me tell it again. If they are worth telling. Ivy yet to give me. "
" already empty? You säufer like a fish. "
" The cups are small. "
Ivy gave to me, and sat down on a sun-warmed stone next Brit. She turned her pale face in the sun, as if she was looking for the best angle for quick tan. I looked at my two girls, and wondered whether this was behind the threaded portion of grill them in a deeper sense. Wanted to marry off Brit? Were three of us? We were good? Nor was who? Came even more? It was the two to notice anything, and I asked what not. I peered a little about the young nymphs upstream. One was blond, the other red-haired. The red rose, made a few graceful steps in my direction, and picked up a dead tree branch. Herself up our eyes met, and they sent me over a bell-pure smile. I smiled back. She turned quickly and ran back to her friend. The rhythmic play of her little butt cheeks was a fascination. I had recently read that right, in Texas you could marry a 12 year old? It seemed incredible. But this was not Jerry Lee Lewis, the Rock n Roller in the 50 years a 12 year old ... then the law has had, at least at that time counted. in this law, regardless of the anatomy of 12järhigen was taken? I could not imagine that in such a stand "... may be married only 12 years old already mature. If the breasts are still buds, is a marriage of the question. This study of maturity can make a local vet if there is no doctor nearby. "No, I had made a mistake. Twelve years have used only the Habsburgs. But who's all used. As the name suggests. Will have it. Until the Nazis arrived. Who were spotted laughing and Habsburg. Last then the Americans have laughed. About the Nazis and the Habsburgs.
I want to know where you are now. "Ivy had been watching me. "Important Not so. Why is it on? It now collects firewood? "
" No, I bring Brit back to the city. "
" Aha. "I knew nothing more.
Brit said:.. "Chow"
"Well, it was a short-chau fun"
She meets today, "her friend said Ivy.
Ivy asked. "" What are you doing in the meantime "
I will have my charm on the two nymphs try out there, I joked.
Brit saw me a second to long, as I was the devil incarnate. Ivy did startled: "But surely these are CHILDREN"
"children. all of us, "I said. Ivy hesitated.
"Are you coming?" She urged Brit.
I do not know. I reluctantly let him alone with their two children. "
" These are not all kids anymore. Show, which already has a "real boobs, I said.
Brit insisted: "Come now, Ivy. You know his provocative posturing. The talks but only. "
Ivy gave me a last look and said, in the pedantic tone, sometimes I loved her. "Do not be silly yes, Karl-in 20 minutes I'm back."
The two drove off. I listened to the receding, light rattling engine noise, and lay down, resting his head in his hands again forth with respect to the two girls. They looked over, whispered something in his ear, giggled, and threw stones into the stream. If any of the young woman understood cult of ancient peoples, then me. And the Habsburgs. Of course, I also thought of Nabokov, and the soul of prey, which had made his anti-hero, Humbert Humbert, in his Lolita. The fine English was not. But Nabokov was indeed Russian. I sipped the wine and introduced me to the future life of the two nymphs. In a year, maybe two, they can deflower her friends without much fuss, as was common in the 90's even in the province. A little grass, a little Alk, a little blood on the bed sheets ... all meant not too much longer incision.
Whether old or young: in the media and information age, it was boiled. Birth, life, death, war and peace: everything from purred as in the theater, the difference between real and fictitious blurred. And some brought to jail. I got up and strolled to the cup in hand on both. ? "Well, you pretty ones, as you say then," The Red
answered for both, "Hanna and Marianne"
"Hanni and Nanni.. So what. Do you know the books: Hanni and Nanni ""
They giggled and shook his head negatively?. They found it amusing to be raised from 22 years ago by an old bag for her so. "Well, I have to collect wood. Bye, "I said, and went to the riparian forest. On the ground was sufficiently dry wood. I emptied the cup, threw it away, and gradually the branches piled in my elbow. Back at the stones, I threw all in a heap, and opened the plastic bag with the chops and sausages. For everything was taken care of plenty: mustard and ketchup were there, rolls, pickles ... "
We grill here! Do you want something? "I called over to St. Clare.
"No, thanks. We've got to go home, she called back, whispered something, and already she stood up. They pulled on his shoes, and waved to me, laughing, as they went. I waved back. Ivy stayed away longer than 20 minutes. I had no clock, but the sun was approaching the tops of the river meadows, and the fire crackled already in the twilight, when I heard the rattle of the Vespa.
Ivy dismounted, and took off his helmet.
"Where are the girls'
I could not resist joking me?
" I asked her if I can smell her Pippi, and since they are home run "
looked horrified at me Ivy.. I laughed, then also fell to her the penny, and she fell. Then she turned serious and said:.
"Now you're talking about but not so saublöd, yes,"
"Okay" You have barbecues? "
Yes. Here you have the way, eats for a five-man wrapped up. "
Yes. I did not know is whether Brit, and if her boyfriend is. "
" sausage or steak? "I asked.
"chop. And not too much spice. Fried potatoes. Loved "
Ivy sometimes with me to speak in a commanding tone. I seasoned the chops and put them on a branch. Ivy jumped up. I get stones. "
" stones, why stones? "
" Well, because of the fire. "Here it just sand?" I get still some. "
I saw a pack of Camel and a lighter in the sand. The
had probably laid them there. I fished out a Lulle and lit it. Ivy dragged to the first stones.
"Since when you're smoking again?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Did not you stop?"
"Sometimes I smoke, sometimes not."
you grouped the rocks around the fire, turned away his face from the heat.
"You smoke so again."
"Now, yes. As a whole, probably not. "
gave me after I waved and the Doppler. "
" Another wine? "
" No, "said Ivy. "There are missing stones. I'll run fetch them. "" Do that "
I sat down with wine and Lulle cross-legged before the fire and stoked it. Ivy was back. We kept the forks with the chops the fire and were silent. Fat came out sizzling in blistering, and bleeding from the crusted surface.
"Stop once," said Ivy, and handed me the road.
you lit a, and took the road back to reception. I noticed their efforts to smoke on a cool way, and laughed.
"What do you have?" Asked Ivy.
"Yes. You what. "Yes, well. .? I have something, "
" what "
" We sit here as pretty cool, what "did not
Ivy quite what I meant, but said:" In the nylon bags are also beer cans "
" Oh, beer is good. . Always good. "
I fumbled for the doses found she was a back and Ivy. She shook her head.
"Do not you need to rinse? Chops are fat! Fibers stuck in the teeth. Beer as the best to rinse. "
" No. Non-alcoholic. Shit. I've forgotten the Cola. Well, give me hold the can. "
We opened and pushed on. She took a sip, and made a pale face. I emptied the can in a greedy train, crushed them up and threw it behind me.
"Why do you do that?" Asked Ivy.
"The one with the box."
The chops were so far. I submitted one on the Ivy fork, picked up my chops by two napkins in his hand and slammed into my teeth.
"That with the can?" I asked comfortable chewing.
Yes. That is not cool, somehow. "
The firelight seemed Ivy's waxen face.
"Not cool? Possible, "I smacked his lips," I was just then. "
" you drink "too fast," said Ivy.
"Yeah," I cried, and drank it with a paper cup. Ivy's dark eyes fixed me.
"Since when do you actually säufer?" She asked.
"Oh, well. Nice very good. Very good. "
" What is good? "
" Very good. Beautiful. Beautiful. Perfectly. "
" What is the best. Talking about. "
"You have a cut of my favorite topics, Ivy. Thank you. Since when I drink, then? Well, I started late. I was not one of those 13 year olds are drunk at the beer tent parties under the table. No. I started to drink when I read Nietzsche. "
" You've read Nietzsche and drinking? "
" Not once. I've read Nietzsche, and then either drunk, or drinking the day before and the next day read Nietzsche, what is a mystery, the intolerant Nietzsche himself not take alcohol, just as Schopenhauer. Or Spinoza, or Newton. Goethe was the only drink, my love. "
" So when did you start drinking with him? "Asked Ivy not moralinsauer, but rather in the manner of a talk show Erin. She felt that Schwadronierlust was into me, then I got it.
I was Nietzschean with 17 I started to drink with 17 But when exactly? I do not remember the date. And why? I do not know. It was the beginning of an experiment and it continues. "
Ivy, it was no joke in certain situations, continued to ask how a talk show Erin.
"experiment, Karl, I beg you. Surely you do not well, our viewers you buy from it? If the reasons for your drunkenness not elsewhere? "
» Found Yes "
." There may have been horrible incidents in ... "
" In my Childhood? "I concluded.
"Yes, for example."
"Aja. The usual knitting patterns. Yes. This could also apply to me. But all the horrors of my childhood and youth: they are burned into my photographic memory, be aware of. I must not crowd out? Why should I drink? "
" Forget. "
" No. Why would I want to forget something? I think of how I think of the universe, or the fucking. I like to think. Some people can not think others can not help but think. My brain is working tirelessly. drinking and fucking my leave from this work. "
" Fucking? Why fuck? "Asked Ivy. "Can you not fucking, not to drink?"
"Yes. But both together is more fun. "
" You're brave if you drunkards, what Karl is not it? "
" fucking? "
" yes-or before. "
" Courageous ... more unbridled. Experimentation. Ready to dare any mess! "
" That means they're not into vanilla sex, Mr Kinaski? "
» Little, Miss Ivy. can at all this kind of leisure remain stolen. Since it is first a feel good movie, gets drunk and plays with soft drinks at home nor a conduct of board game, and then into bed and vanilla sex. So no, that is not mine. "
Menswear Kinaski, they have told us before the show that they write. Story. "
Ivy emptied with a daring train your beer can. Well, so I thought. At the same time it occurred to me that they had landed yet not so long in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. I would have something to take care of them.
"Is not a paper cup over there?" She asked.
I gave her one and filled it with wine to the brim. She drank.
"So. You write that Mr. Kinaski. Yes, "
." But rather for the drawer. "
" About what they write? About their addictions probably. "
Yes. There are drunk and fuck stories. "
I left a popping fart, Ivy made a face and a thought came to me.
"But I also write essays."
"Aja. Explain it to our viewers, what? "
" Good. Zuersat once, an essay, is known to be an attempt. You write something but not limited to ... "
" That is our viewers' too long, Ivy was considered.
Yes. So I wrote an essay about Hitler. "
" How very "original," said Ivy.
"does not it? So goes the legend of Hitler that he, in the presence of his generals, his farts bit back, for hours, simply for his genius and his will in matters digestion to prove. As a result, the working hypothesis, he would have serious digestive problems, would be at the card table have become testy, would have wasted in Hineinstricheln of troop contingents. My essay examines the possible impact of this digestive problem, the fact that we are the 2nd World War II have lost. "I wanted to be detailed, but I bemrkte, Ivy is not listening. In it the thread was broken, and she stared into the fire. The next sentence showed me that she was herself again. Our little game was over.
"Do you write really really need?"
Yes. I write. "
" What-now? "
'petitions to the District Commission, they want me for hours my fines so that my ass not in jail moves. "
" Ha. As you're about. So swollen, and then again so saublöd ... "
" So? "
Yes. But I do not know. I think your novel? "
I rammed my teeth into the steak, pulled out a murder chunks and chewed noisily.
"Everything speaks of my novel. My mystical novel, "I said smacking, and meat juice dripped from my mouth.
"How you eat," stated Ivy.
"So as far as my mystical novel, it does not exist."
"He does not exist?"
"does Yes I'm sorry. But a host of beginnings, ends and adapters, there is. "
Aha. Then is it not all a lie. Read my times as a center piece in front. "
" Gladly. If it turns. "
" Do me a chop. With potatoes. And pickles. "On a paper plate, ordered Ivy.
I began without a word with the corresponding handles. The chop hissed. We stared into the crackling flames. A single star was low on the horizon.
"How old are you really, Karl?"
This question surprised me. I did not negotiate life prose. How old, how big, what is already done, what your favorite color, what size. Thus, speaking in Coffee house or in a nursing home.
I said. "Not too old mangy for a conformist, too young for a writer," Ivy
let up.
"No, no shit. How old? "
I looked at her. Now, illuminated from below, her head appeared with the tomboyish haircut like plaster.
What do you mean? "
" Older than Rory, right? And Rory is 21 I know from Brit. "
I was silent.
"Then you're 23, no 24th"
I'm going in the fall of 24th "
Ivy put the wrong head.
"You look younger than Rory." Give
'me your paper cup. "
I followed, gave and raised his arm... "To me, old sow"
"Oh, so old that outcome should not"
"Well, against your sixteen"
"Seventeen I am, there you go,"
We.. beat on, and fell down the wine, not Ivy without shaking itself after something.
"Tell me what's actually between Rory and Brit?" I cut a new topic.
"Oh. I can not talk about it. "
" What? Why not? "
" Brit has forbidden me. "
I was loud.
»Brit? Brit has forbidden you? Tell me who's Brit? Your kindergarten aunt? This is unbelievable, Brit has she allowed. "
" Let it tell you by Rory. "
" he allowed that? Or has it Brit also banned? But they can not, Rory tells what he wants. "
" Well, see? "
" But if it tells Rory, you can tell it with as well. "
" No. Brit has forbidden me. "
tune makes me now but more than I was right. Ivy did not speak plainly. Because Brit. A strange loyalty test. I put the wine bottle to his lips. and flushed down the trouble with a long sip. I immediately felt the numbing effect. Demonstratively I wiped my mouth and said into a burp, "I think your steak is cooked. "
" Get it out, put it on a paper plate. Pickle it. Potato salad, "it came quickly from Ivy's wet cherry mouth.
"Your wish is my command, mistress."
Laughter shivered over her face. I prepared their paper plates, and presented him with a mocking bow. Ivy thanked him, and asked seamlessly?..
"How is it that you always spit sounds great,"
"Always not yet,"
"Well, yes, but mostly"
"How so? I am young. I am ostracized. I am free thinker. "
" You see? Now again. "
" What? "
" I'm young, I 'm banned, I am free thinker ... you sound like a braggart. "
" What I say is right. "
" Yes, but up at me. You do not look so super, and you living in a small room, what am I saying a shed. And you have no money. "
Yes. I dwell in a room because I'm banned. And let me externals to some degree cold. And I have no money. And might not. Shit. But I'm sitting here with you, you horny bitch booze, and. And that's just saugeil. "
Ivy looked at me. »Speeches always dirty, the free thinkers?"
"What we knows as under dirty. The Marquis de Sade is not as dirty, but long-winded, but 200 years ago, felt he was a free thinker. "
" You do not seriously compare yourself with de Sade? "
" Not as far as my living conditions. And if I am to be honest, in terms of my acting out bizarre sexual performances, I also lagging behind. But I drink more than de Sade. "
Now Ivy smiled sympathetically.
"Your Schweinkramreden are blah. I knew it could. "
" That you could not say so. "
" You're mediocre, Karl. You are small. "
" No-large. "
» United? Ha. Maybe if you're drunk. But you know what I think? "
" No. "
You're also not really drunk. "
" What do you mean? "You play." I'm playful, but I play anything. "Then prove it."
"What are you?" "That you're the greatest . 'What? ask "
Accompanied by a hot pulse, shot me the thought Ivy could me to fuck her right here on the sand, on the spot! I was wrong-but not by much. Slowly, in a low voice, Ivy said.?
"Get a down"
"Thou shalt a wank, Karl. Here before my eyes. "
these words I could only occur once a break, I grabbed the Doppler, called it, and turned it off.
You mean I can not bring? "I asked.
"No. handle"
Ivy, the wine bottle, took a sip, she placed us in the sand.
"And yet I'll take it."
"Well, then, what are you waiting for? . Wix yourself, "
" I take it, can only:? You put it, "
" What do you mean "
" you will not anyway. An injury, trauma, if ... "
" nonsense. Wix. "
" I will shake down so one, and watch you want? "
Yes. That's correct. "
" Well. Since my latent exhibitionism finally came at his expense. On the other hand ... "
"Hold no people talking, Karl. Wix. "
" Well, yes, so ... "
" So what? "
" I will do so? Exclusively for you? "
Ivy lost patience. "Yes, damn."
She took a sip from the raging paper cup.
I asked: "Until you actually still a virgin"
"What does it matter? Thou shalt not fuck yes, that is. "Well, well ..." I stood up and grabbed at the zipper.
"Why are you standing on?"
"Well, I can not seated, lying down is stupid. So, do I "standing."
"You guys make it standing up?" Ivy was honestly surprised. "Not always." But, more accessible, what? "Ivy giggled.
"If you giggling, it is not assured."
"pack it out, I'll have quiet," to me. I tats, and Ivy's eyes went immediately out a piece. She seemed a little stiffness in my half Culinary seen. She inhaled sharply. I did my part, the matter could only work if I succeeded in Ivy an item to see a sex doll, not a person who looked at me critically. I let my eyes off her sneakers, their tight jeans, in her step, and continue to walk up to her tits. The nipples under the shirt had become stiff. And my servant also celebrated joyful resurrection! I called to determine Ivy's body shapes, while fixed with a kind of hypnotic stare my hard-on. Now I jacks off, they were worth. I stared at her nipples, and suddenly had a strong desire to topple me to her in order to penetrate into a body opening in some. I croaked. "I want you"
"No. No. Just watch, "Ivy said, looking intently at my clattering hand. I was grunting. The juice squirted into the fire, my knees were weak, I fell backwards into the sand. Still lying, I packed my knit back to where it should belong in the public. I noticed a lone star in the night sky. Probably the Venus, I thought, and sat up again. Ivy sat there like stone. She stared into the fire. I myself felt a shock and facilitates a fiddle.
"So," I clapped my hands. "Now is drunk, Ivy. Up there is Venus, and the evening is still young, "
Ivy rose with plaster face, and said," I'm going home. Chau. "
With open mouth I saw how it disappeared in the dusk. The engine of the Vespa began to rattle, the spotlight shone briefly and was gone. Next to the gurgling of the Inn, the crackling of the fire was crackling the only sound engine, the long was heard. Then it verschallte.



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