Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Fit A Bipod On The Gamo Big Cat 1200

*** For friends

... the girlfriend ...
... a gift ... like the one it prefers floral and retro ... that was the jean shirt from my favorite uncle smaller pack a piece ...
the other girlfriend likes to wear green ... hence the reason the pimpicuffs in the complementary color ...
thank you for your instructions in matters camera, it was even more than the envisaged model einnmal it ... even if no final purchase decision is made, the direction is right ...: o) .. . I would especially like to thank the 'actually-not-comment "Writers' thank you ... I've just got your words, my example!
short or the images that have already occurred on Sunday, they only show I was allowed until today ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

33 Weeks Pregnant And Belly Sore To Touch

...*** *** on another planet *** ***

we spent the weekend ... the substance, and I ...
... at least it got me so ... before the Friday has mr f with the ladies on the way made carnival stronghold in the ... the small and I stayed at home ... the one I need this drive really is not colorful and the other ... the rest you need rest!
I think it was a good six years since the first time, I for a long weekend just a child I had to ... the rest (almost silent) ... the order, which is when you have time put aside what and not to forget the time you have at once ... UNBELIEVABLE .
when you come out you do not need a good hour, until all are ready ... because almost always guaranteed to always call someone I have yet ... ' it will return something like fast spontaneity back into life ... not that we otherwise would not spontaneous, but by the attraction of speed, it often loses the spontaneous character, D. ..
remained cold the kitchen, because we have spontaneously taken at the dinner thai to us ...
this weekend I noticed pretty quickly that I rest although I enjoy ... but the crowds with 'the pack' is preferred ...
on sunday morning we went to the flea market ... there was the world is in order ...
... and then fate took its course ... the bag along with the camera I try to make things popped the curb on the ground ... camera ... woman wrecked on Floor ...
by a loved one (THANK YOU ♥ ♥), I came yesterday to hire a panasonic fz 18th .. so we could try around a bit ...
but whether the yellow is the egg (or successor) ... I do not know ... what do you have for cameras and what are you satisfied? I am not a technology-freak, but the turn-unpack-is-political groups I am currently overburdened with a decision ... so very much and instructions are received with joy; D

to conclude with the usual ... how it can be different ... a (ordered) bag is finally finished yesterday ...
... this time in really big, has space for two file folders and more ...
is good in a week inside ... and ... Helau and Alaaf!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Examples Thank You Notes Funeral

butterflies *** ***

body to the feet still on the winter ... the spring ...
in the heart of the longing for summer sun ... ... heat ...
in the last days the sun seems fresh at temperatures from us and leaves us in the flats believe that it is not much time ... to the warm temperatures ... Chiroptera and colorful ...
material on a piece of cardboard taped, marked out and butterfly cut out, then going to the wall a small sewing machine and you have a little feeling for the summer ...
stuck with mounting tape ... it keeps on plastered walls!
a wonderful weekend ... you out there with a lot of sunshine!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Century Bob Xl With Sand

help buying *** ***

I received this past weekend at the flea market ... the second oldest and I tingelte through the aisles, as we stood eye to these curtains ...
touches ... ... ... admired considered ... and moved on undecided ... I could not decide, yes or no ... it was first in a decisive or more perhaps. .. I'll come back again ... maybe ...
me was the background color white disturbed, I stated the fact. white is not so gray next to mine ...
I call again on our second round of the fabric glue remained has lilly my indecision probably irritated (after lurking below a stand playmobil with any amount) at least they helped me on the jumps and asked for a dress for just this, and indeed any other material ... 'mama, buy it ... please ... finally' ... well hello but I did then let me also say that twice; D. ..
am and now I am besotted with this ... and sometimes, large particles girl just the fabrics of the little girl who, D. .. get
schonmal to a feeling, looks like the former brought in new window dress form, is the first to become a pocket-shelf 's it ...
... my mind as regards the white color has drained away completely ... it is neither dominant nor boring ... with boredom in the pattern is actually impossible; D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shiny Pokemon Farming

DIY board game

or how I fill out a day with two sick children as possible from sensible ..., D
this morning we have started from careful, our ingredients were limited to a cardboard, a sharp pencil and a thick felt pen.
interested dominions were tight right up close ... was not really ...
with a plate I have me a big circle recorded, then the interior of the field marked out with ed *** tightened g and these numbered, although we have some fields written in red and green, these are later Areas of action has become.
ida was then the turn ... it has the fields in more or less different colors painted.
far we have come to the lunch break. during the siesta thing to do it was with us a little quiet ... if not for the wonderful sunshine we have had to go out much, so have we employed the sunniest spot in the apartment and searched us with one of my favorite games, the 'Playground' ... are in my eyes it really a lot of non-playing, keep up here ... more than a shame that this game today no more. I had at some point the luck to find it at the flea market ...
a nap in the sun, we have considered actions for the 7 color-coded red fields ... to suspend or backward, and green dice to move forward again and has ... as playing pieces, each we picked out his favorite button ...
... and losgespielt!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hodgkin's Lymphoma Rash What Does It Look Like?

*** * ** me-made balance

after we have survived the winter well with no major illnesses, we are falling like dominoes ... today I was on the series before ... I'm much too late and totally lagging, but I'd take a small balance of this brilliant month!
to start I did not think that I have so much self-sewn in the board, which
a) is presentable

and b) I really love to wear.
some things were in the back of a closet and disappeared thanks to the great idea of Catherine come to the fore again (and are still worn, D).
the pleasure to be back for me any more sewing has increased suddenly, I've also picked out already some sections that I want to convert for me.
lack of time as always ... child labor ... ... ... shop ... fiscal and blog ... there is often nothing left from the day ...
many beautiful prints and clothing pieces there were in February with you all to admire and marvel at who blog round lot, a lot of fun and inspiration ... and spread the february made far less gray than it is normally!
love catherine hab, many thanks for this great action ... next time I'm definitely back with this!

Translated Futanari Doujin

Stamp fever in March

In March, it is up to 30% on selected products, here is the Flyer's long. The action is limited to 1,000 pieces, then apply again the regular catalog price.
If you (to save postage) you would like to participate in the collective order, simply an email :-)