Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sample Of Retirement Cakes

Kinaskis 119th Dream! Pichler

When I woke up with a vodka hangover, smelling the rumpled bed after bitch. But there was just me. Outside the windows it had to be firm bright. Intense light finger pricked through the holes in the tattered curtain. I attacked, despite the summer temperatures, the wool cap and pulled it over my face.
Ah, yes ... the darkness, did well. I lay there for a good while, and felt nothing: no life command, no motive ... zero ... So have to feel depressed, that of the morning, suddenly no longer come up, I thought with a slight shudder. But I was not depressed. I would be high. I waited. The first clear thought that I could take was the Bulldog and the duration of baby party in his room. I saw Eva, the Jehovah's Witness before me. If Eva was responsible for the bitch smell in my paint? No, it smelled different. Eva, ha What a wax figure. Bulldog had kneaded entirely new, and transformed their religious ardor in the blaze after the alpha animal. And of course, was the alpha animal Bulldog. Sepp Huber pork with real name and a Nazi first water.
A multi-faceted one too! Almost like a Nazi cosmopolitan. I had him picked up at the nature of the flavor around me? Or moment. Was this a chat acquaintance? I had yesterday in FUNNET stopped: A pool of horny teens and young single mothers with sexual minute panic. How could you drink just that they had the next day, no more dew on the exact course of the evening?
I stared through the stitches of wool cap to the wall. In my single booth hung no pictures. In verkatertem state only confuse. White walls, which did well. The simple, the emptiness, the desert. These were the things that needed a battered brain of alcohol, to become clear again. The clarity of silence. The sound of silence ... The mobile phone alarm was alive. The programmed male choir sang
drunken "What shall we do with the loser, what shall we do with the drunken loser, what shall we do with the drunken loser early in the morning ... "With a curse
I tore down my cap and groped in the rumpled sheets after the thing ... but I saw my hand was bloody. But it was not my blood. Above all, it seemed somehow ... so it was not coagulated ... just dried up ... just like ... what a shock: menstrual blood ... The phone was adamant: "What shall we do with the drunken loser, what ..."
I found the trouble maker brought him to silence, and saw that I had a message. Number is hidden, huh. I called it off. A female voice was heard. She was unknown to me, but at the same time it sounded familiar. Immediately I was in love with the warm timbre.
"Hi, du Suffnase old. It is 15 clock on 22 November 2063rd Today, the party continues. Baby Bulldog wants to form his party. In the shadow of climate catastrophe, he will approach the new breed people. He says the fruit is ripe. Terror and the ripe fruit brings to burst. I laugh limp. It is funny anyway. You know what goes on at Bulldog. Would turn you also tell me if you would return. It was great with you. My little, evil Sado-rascal. "
" What the hell ... "I gasped. I was more confused than ever. I got up and found myself completely drawn: only the pants store was open. Between Teeth of the zipper dangled useless the little man, I trudged into the bathroom and washed him. I washed my hands. Something oral hygiene followed. Before the smudged windows, the sun was raging. 31 degrees. And the end of November. I was frying eggs and ham, while the damaged flat-TV brought the news in the refrigerator door. The stentorian voice of the avuncular, very neat Newsman said. "... Is then absorbed a Pacific island In the case of the atoll Crankow 9 residents were evacuated two weeks ago. London: The Rifle World Watch, published their annual WRW report. So there are three billion small arms in the world, with a population of 7 Billion. Africa: The radiation levels in the Sahara since the nuclear accident there two years ago for the first time dropped slightly. Threat to Europe by Sahara winds is not according to experts. New York: The rapper
Sidestepper is back after a year behind bars free. He had fired a paint ball gun on a gang of paparazzi. Added complication was that the balls had been prepared with chloroform. European Union: Due to technical problems is postponed issue of food stamps to the unemployed army by one day. Vienna ... "
I did not listen more, ate and sat on my floppy hat. With shaved skull and this last of the sun is a must. Also led my way by the Autonomous District. "Red Rudi" they called it. After some freak communists from the 20th century. And then their eternal Che tattoos. In any case, the autonomous threw all that ne had bald from the windows of their houses occupied by waste. Even with old flower pots in which they drew their terrible hemp. No matter whether one was a Nazi, or cosmopolitan, as I do. This numb jaws made no difference. A bald enough.


I went out in spite of this great catastrophe and all the bloodlust so dreadfully dull world. Uff! As little as I had our old horse apple never interested. I was trying to turn around. But then I fell into this warm timbre of the words: Would turn you me, if you turn up, again. In the autonomous district
saw me with my grim pleasure that the Global Police had begun. Their black helmets and boots glistened in the scorching sun.
"The good old GLOPO," I muttered and smiled. The officer just gave the command: "stick-FREE"
and Schwarzuniformierten stormed a tenement from the windows of household was raining. Chairs, clothes dryers, dwarf turtles ... wait, dwarf turtles? I ran and picked the poor thing. She lived, kicking her legs income and looked at me blankly out of their enigmatic button eyes.
"Well, you ... I plug up time in the pocket. . At Bulldog, I think certainly some green stuff for you. "
From inside the houses resounded suddenly screams The unruly youths were decently listened to the Twelve, as it seemed in passing chat I the officer with an older pedestrians.
" Go they not a bit too brutal? "asked the latter.
" The need that they believe me, "was the reply.
I turned in the Philemon-street and passed some pomaded Young Turks, who were a ghetto Booster, music listened, laughed and danced. The apartment building in the Bulldog threw his party was only a stone's throw away. It was 200 years old, two-storey and the ugliest of the road. The four wood-paneled balconies, conservatories really stuck, like an afterthought at the house and gave the impression as if every second fall. On coarse gray plaster found the crows stop when they arrived in March from the mountains.
jumping spiders is populated summer: a small, cute style with black and white striped legs. Came to them with your index finger to close she jumped from here like locusts. The house was inhabited by social wrecks. A drunkard, whom you never saw before noon in the hallway: with spotty dressing gown, crumpled Altmännergesicht and stubble. One ancient Witch House, but with open eyes, the can also be someone on the upper arm took to get rid of their bon mots of foreigners. For example: "In my day they were called immigrants, even those running up gypsy!"
then lived in an attic of the two chambers, a 30 year old illiterate woman with the nickname Wau. She was fat, smoked like a chimney and had a wife beard. In the other compartment occupied by a multiple brain surgery. When he came out of the hospital, he always looked fresh: there due to the healthy food, and drink because he was not allowed. After a month of freedom, he looked back from like 60 even though he was barely 40: a marked man who stole a sausage dog limping his daily rounds. But the house had a huge advantage: everyone could wanted it to do it. Was a loud, the other was simply louder. The Witch House heard anything anyway, brain operated patients had other concerns, and the rest of the tenants had already drunk all day. Whom it is made to the colorful moved out.
Bulldogs place was spacious and full of Nazikram. Somewhere he had a Walther PPK tucked. He considered himself an ugly attack dog hybrid, which went by the name of nuts. Bulldog led like the talking - he liked to listen to songs like "We will survive ..." and similar Schwulenhymen from the 20th century. A certain Udo Jürgens was time for his favorite: ". For always, always, the sun rises"
Trixi, my elapsed had wanted to join me one day Bulldog. "Yes. This is impossible, "I had a shot blocked. "The atmosphere will make you sick. It also stinks of laboratory rats. "
" It stinks of laboratory rats? "
" Bulldog has made up some years ago cancer experiments. In rats. The rats are dead but the stinking cages today to himself. "
" Yuck. "
" Furthermore, because nuts. "
" nuts? "
" An ugly attack dog, which I personally think schizophrenic. "
Trixi had never asked me again. I stood in front Bulldogs apartment door, and rang, I zuhielt by the spy with the thumb.


opened my mouse. Small, sharp-nosed and with the usual nasty grin.
He was such a thing as adjutant Bulldogs. I think he even washed his socks.
"Ah, Karl. You're just right. Ex-Bulldogs in-law is there. A field day. He makes ready-to all eyes, the old, drunken bumpkin "
I wanted to push on mouse over, but the stood in my way.
"Stop. How was the slogan for this week? "
" Shall I tell you what, mouse? Screw you. "
" The leader is not itself clear? The guide is When will you yourself do not remember you at last the solutions? But with you I can make ne exception, "Mouse said patronizingly and stepped aside. Of course I knew the solution. And I knew mouse for 5 years. The whole thing with the slogan was a joke as far as it concerned me.
was in the living hell broke loose. To be snapped TV wall, the 30 station segments nobody noticed sang Udo Jürgens: "Seventeen years, blond hair, she stood before me ..." and they all stared at the old woman: Eve, the fervent Jehovah's Witness, Ed is the young farmer, spent the marathon legend, the tall Olympic silver medalist and the comedians hope.
"dancing, yes dancing, laughing, shouting Bulldog and his ex-mother-in stark naked, did with his hands shackled behind his back, mouth and dangling bulb hanging tits it. She danced and spun in circles. She gasped for air and pump worked mightily.
"Yes, my little dancing bear. That is right. Dance. Dance for us! "
she was in Bulldogs eyes slowly, they got one pulled over with the belt. Liked the mouse beyond measure. He laughed and slapped his thigh. The Olympic silver medalist was the perverse and twisted into a cigarette length in the winter garden. The old man collapsed with the end. Was simply. Like a wet sack. Silence.
"If we rescue the ...?" asked Mouse.
"Oh, we let the hag lie. This is not over. That's just unconscious. Too many drugs, "said Bulldog. When he saw the horror in the eyes of comedians hope, he added: "But the rescue can call you anyway. The old cow is alpha insured. They pick up a luxury car. "
mouse and telephoned Bulldogs gave up some of the internals of the old woman who was like a wet sack on the ground. You could see her straight into the shaved step. On her pubic bone was emblazoned a tattoo: the Ying and Yang symbol.
Bulldog said: "This Vettel has been drained from me not too long ago bucket full of sluts distrust of me. A la: so this is the son of my Lilith. You know, Lilith. The hot blonde, with whom I was three years combined. Really people. I was puff. Such a collision of mistrust and suspicion, I had never seen until now! I thought then, well so are they, the mothers, the whole will lie again. But what happened instead, my fellow? The old woman conspired with Lilith and suddenly it was as if I deserved it too little. "
" You had a job then? ", Wondered the lanky young farmer. He could not believe that Bulldog had once made their hands dirty.
"I was a bouncer," said Bulldog, unwilling interruption of the innocent, and continued: "The old woman had a sudden fear in money and money illusion. It was so ridiculous that I laughed. If she had finally gone away in Albania, where they lived at that time would also be their hysteria gone. I thought. It was so different then. Lilith switched sides and the old woman had achieved their goal. One week she was here on a visit, and brought to Lilith, to separate from me. Lilith moved out. Just like that. Paff. "We all stared at her naked body that was illuminuirt artfully through the colorful TV wall.
"She is still over," said Mouse.
are "An old smelly cheese mite you, listen you love me? "Bulldog roared again when he wanted to check if she was awake by it.
"Tell me how you have them later into drug addiction in revenge, the old woman, hahaha ..." laughed mouse.
"no. First I had seduced the old man. I have made them sexually dependent. Then I have drugged. The little red, you know, "taught him Bulldog.
" The Red? "Listened" to the marathon legend tarried, and the toilet.
Bulldog took his servant, and the Jehovah's Witness was about to bend down to him obediently to them in their mouths. But Bulldog had something else in mind. He got up, went into the center of the room and urinated on his ex-in-law. Mouse squealed with delight and it did not stop to splash.
ran in one of the segments of a live TV debate. Among the display: THIS WAS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY a shaggy man just said: "... after the anti-Communist preacher and hydrogen bomb Freak Edward Teller and the Vietnamese eaters Henry Kissinger had teamed up ..."
"Wait," interrupted the stylish DJ: "I can not think what on, young man, I notice with them, which strikes me for years with people like them. "
" Aja? And what would it be, pal? " said the long-haired challenging. He proudly showed a tooth missing.
The presenter said: "cowardice". "Cowardice"
The tooth gap frowned.
"Yes. Only since the United States by their second Civil war is a radioactive wilderness, you freaks talking so their former officials. "
" dignitaries. Shit. Kissinger ate Vietnamese. "
" Young man, they guard their tongue ", another discussant went in between. He wore a pince-nez, an old-fashioned double-breasted suit and smoking a pipe.
Bulldog had meanwhile finished his business. He was just about to sit back, as It rang the doorbell. Mouse darted into the hall. Mouse came back, the burned-writers in tow. He was tall, skinny, is a joint turned to the other and rarely spoke. He nodded to us, the old woman stepped over and sat down. Without a word he began to unpack his grass. What a mess, I thought. And this bizarre Personage wants to start a Nazi Party. Ridiculous. This is never something. Mouse said: "Wow is also outside. The cow asked me when the next train to Munich. Will kidding me? "He turned to Bulldog"?. What should I do with it, my guide "
" glue her a "mouse
I was on the upper arm back.
"That let times. I take over. "
In contrast to the Horde ignorant I was not been too good, I am involved with various Wau in hallway conversations. I was the only one here who knew about her illiteracy. A knotless illiterate. That was in the fortress Europe has long been nothing unusual. You could eigenlich well with them. Just know you had it. Otherwise, there were misunderstandings. Wau smiled when she saw me. I gave her the required information and they thanked him. I do not know why, but I reached into my pocket for money and gave her a fiver. Surprised, she stared at the slip.
"Thank you. But what should I do with it? "
I stared at her women's beard and a sense of hopelessness overwhelmed me.
"Go buy detonators."
painted Suddenly, horror in her face. Bulldog standing next to me.
"Ah Wau. Maintenance. Do not run away. Stayed here, I have a bone to pick with you. You are to me again too loud. You go at night walking back up there. Rückst furniture. Your miserable cough smoker's cough! Have I not told by 22 clock is radio silence? Damn it! "
Wau winced. Bulldog gathered steam:
"Who am I to everything in the world, at your neurotic, absurd, disgusting, crazy insomnia need to anticipate! Huh? Maggots as you have already been crushed because of something like that! From now on in your shed! And woe if I hear something today! "
Wau would notice anything.
" Shut up! "Roared Bulldog.
" Hey, hey. She is illiterate, "I tried to calm Bulldog.
" What? "
Wau had already disappeared behind the bend of the musty hallway, but he called after her: "And learn to read, you bitch"
You heard her howls, ran into her crate and the door slammed behind him
No. he was not a sympathetic Nazi
... He was, as I was now clear, basically not much more sublime than the usual Nazi Plates. He did just that sometimes. He stood out so much from them. Well, it was common and well-read. He was brown, without belonging to the brown infantry. But that was that already. At best, a Sergeant, I thought. Created the brown pack against the crazy anarchists, and communists to lead into battle. And it would soon be possible. For the heat of the unemployed on both sides did no good. Soon the road would race. And no GLOPO would get a grip. As it was put, a TV reporter, "The world is an oven and brown beet thrives again magnificent. But the red beets. Quite apart from all the autonomous weed that proliferates everywhere and anyway do not know what it wants. "
I had to leave. In the narrow escape of the toilet was the marathon legend. Two fingers of the right arm stuck out rigidly like horns. The face had a terrible color. In addition, crouched nuts, the attack dog and nibbled from a box his Leberschmackos. Links from the Klomuschel I saw the Walther PPK lie. If the marathon legend have shot? No. It had been heard no shot. I took the gun at me, and checked the magazine. It was quite full. I let slip the gun into the outer pocket of my cargo. Back in the living room I said,
"I do not think the marathon legend lives special."
"The fact that is fortunate. The rescue is here. Come on Eva, do the handcuffs from the old and take her mouth from pear. "
Eve, the Jehovah's Witnesses-sex slave obeyed. The two types of rescue the old and the marathon legend out of the house had managed, revised.
"If both insured?" Asked one.
"Yes. Alpha insurance ", log mouse. The marathon legend, it was not. The lad would flutter a horrendous bill into the house. I went to the Olympia II in the winter garden. Pole vault the way, and 1.93. Great as Abraham Lincoln. Slim. She liked me. She sat with legs crossed in the old wing chair and lit another cigarette just at.
"I am sick of the hustle and bustle here," she said.
I was silent, sat down beside her and grabbed her in the crotch. She gave me a quick look that said as much: "Now I'm just hole up for what, but I enjoy it?." She opened her endless legs a bit, closed his eyes and leaned back and relax. Before the smudged windows of the black clouds towering mountains. Furious wind drove into the trees in the street. A sudden gust of wind rattled the windows of the conservatory. The loose windows rattled. Then I made a mistake.
"Do you know that voice?" I asked, playing her the mysterious cell phone message before.
replied While the warm timbre of magic in the air vibrations, took the Olympic silver medalist from its move my hand and said,
"no. Never heard of. But the woman sounds like a hooker "
" Do you like "
" And what that means.? Sado-rascal "
" Well, I like to know myself, "I sighed. From the living room was heard argument.
"You ass, you stupid ass! You you order a swastika flag? Art thou in total ass? "shouted Bulldog.
"What of it, Bulldog?", Defended the voice of the young farmers.
"What is it? WHAT THERE IS. I AM SHORT NUTS TO YOU BEFORE rushing! If the sniffer learn in the Internet, you're in the ass! The take you to post. The squeezed you out. You sing. And then put the Bulls their pig's snout in here! Here with me! And with wars party. You'll be dead before we have them at all founded, "
A door slammed. The young farmer was probably cut off.
" What shall we do with the traitor, Bulldog? "Whimpers mouse.
" He's not a traitor. Only stupid . Where's the way our intellectual? Where's Karl? "
" Here, "I cried.
Bulldogs massive figure pushed his way into the conservatory. He was sweaty and stressed. In His hand was in a vodka bottle. I drank occasionally. But he clearly drank too often and too much. He stumbled from one state to another aversive. Alcoholic psychosis to put him. But as it looked, he was now quite normal. Bulldogs face relaxed when he saw me. He sat down next to me. He was conciliatory.
"If any more on it than I do, you're the you, Karl. You will be the intellectual. The thinkers of the party. While I am their leader. "
am The thing with the party establishment he was no longer simply the bulb. She was sitting in his brain like a worm.
"Oh, the party. Right. How can she still hot again? "
" Skadi. Sports camaraderie Adi, "said Bulldog with weighty voice.
I escaped a grin. The Olympic silver medalist said: "What a nonsense." But before Bulldog could respond to this apparent insubordination, something different.
mouse was silently stepped into the doorway and said, "I knew it, Bulldog. I told you to say. Karl is not one of us! Look how he grins. He is a left rat. "
" Shut up, Mouse, commanded Bulldog.
mouse suddenly crowed: "There, the bulge in his pants!" I think he combined blitzschnell.Konnte the Walther? No, he pointed to the other side of my Cargo. Inside was just put away the phone.
I took out the phone: "Does any of you that voice"
, I asked, also, to distract from the mouse Walther. The melodious prose sounded again.
"Hi, is you are 15 clock on 22 November 2063rd Today, the party continues. Baby Bulldog wants to form his party. In the shadow of climate catastrophe, he will approach the new breed people. He says the fruit is ripe. And terrorism is the ripe fruit brings to burst. "I switched off. The had to rest not hear them. Bulldog scratched his pork neck.
" No. The chick I do not know. Today many chicks were there. And types. But they the touted the party's founding, I do not like, "I looked
to mouse. Its beady eyes were again fixed on my Cargo.
"Da-he still has something in his bag, Bulldog. In the outer pocket. A station. A station. He is by the cops. He is a traitor. "
" Oh shut up. But really, what you have in the yard sack, Karl? "
A Walther, with the I kill you all, I wanted to say, pull the pistol, and, availing the element of surprise, getting away from this stall. But at the last moment I realized that mouse looked at the other leg. The dwarf turtle, shot me. I carefully took out her. She rowed with all fours. Bulldog laughed. "This is but sweet," said the Olympic silver medalist.
I stroked the tiny toads head and said, overcome by sincere love of animals:
"speak I have not quite forgotten little thing. Hast thou lettuce Bulldog, Bulldog
turned to mouse. "Since you have your traitor, idiot"
mouse was not yet convinced.
"This is not real. The station is in the turtle! The station is in the turtle, "he insisted, and his psychotic view informed me that he was on dope.
"This is real, you moron. There, snapping, "I said and held it toward him quickly.
mouse flinched.
"The station is in the turtle," he said.
Karl is not a traitor, "said Bulldog quiet and suddenly had his switchblade in his hand. He let it go out, and handed it to me.
"Karl will show us all that he is not a traitor."
"What should I use the knife?" I asked.
A huge clap of thunder sounded. The storm had arrived over the city.
"This is a timing as in a B-movie," remarked the Olympic silver medalist.
"cutting" them, "said Bulldog.
"What, them?" I asked, puzzled, pointing to the Olympic silver medalist. The suddenly looked very taken aback.
"no. Do not they ... you will miss the dwarf turtle , Cut Karl .--- and show us a good party man, that no station's inside. "
" pervert, "said the Olympic silver medalist in disgust-but also facilitates significantly.
"I slots but no dwarf tortoise on," I said.
"traitor," yelled mouse. His beady eyes glittered maliciously. With threatening Bulldog said emphatically: "slot on it, Karl. Nature is cruel. And our party it is. "
" No, "I said.
Bulldog looked somewhat sadly.
" He is ... ", mouse began.
" Shut up ", he fell into the Bulldog word.
A pause, filled with the roles Thunder re entered.
"NUTS!" Roared Bulldog and immediately turned, alarmed and submissive, is it an old attack dog around the corner. Bulldog pointed at me.
"barrel nuts. Kill '
The schizophrenic animal stared at me from his bloodshot goggle eyes.
I stared back. I was determined to shoot him with the Walther, when he went off on me ... but nothing happened. The beast had simply been too used to me, they liked me! Mouse hollow laugh and got a head of Bulldog nut missed. The Olympic silver medalist was heard a crazy giggle.
"BARREL NUTS! FASS, FASS, FASS, "roared out of the Bulldog and came with his combat boots for the dog. The whining piteously. For me it was time to go. I took out the Walther - and threw her to the Bulldog. The she began to totally flabbergasted. I turned around and left Bulldogs stall forever.
musty hallway I could hear the mouse scream through the door: "Pop it off, Bulldog. Pop it off, the dirty traitor. "
" Oh, shut your mouth just "boomed Bulldog.
hardly relieved himself outside the forces of nature in a downpour.
The dancing Turks grabbed up her boom box and fled into a hallway. Heavy drops falling on the dusty asphalt as instructive now swept road. In the warm rain, I strolled into town. On the train bridge, I stopped. I stared at the brown waves of the river that divides the town. As I stood there mesmerized. The dwarf turtle in my hand. The foaming of the waves in the eye. The roar of the water and the patter of the torrential rain, in the ears. A black wind pants danced in a slow zig-zag approach to the flow. Where they touched the shore they uprooted bushes, sucking them into the sky and hurled them. Then I saw the other people on the bridge. There was a slim girl. Jeans and vest soaked. The black hair stuck to her cheeks. She walked through the rain, relaxed, as is the entire, vast, black sky her shower. She grinned as the closer, knowing and fell directly in front of my eyes. Happened to me, looked up and a look of hungry men hit me like an arrow! A familiar scent touched me ... no, fragrance is wrong ... it was something that held the middle between fragrance and stench. It conveyed both joy and horror. I stared at her, like her, swinging the butt headed, slow and cool at the station. I was about to follow her, for she was, she had to be, my unknown - and froze. The hectic whirlwind had suddenly appeared in their immediate vicinity. When they had grown out of the ground. They recognized the girl and threw it up like a doll. Who sailed in all the limbs as loose-acting, human body via the railway station and disappeared. A blue flash as high voltage current weather shone in the rain. I heard excited shouts, such as if a great misfortune happened. And a voice was in my head: "Hi, du It's 15pm on 22 November 2063rd Today, the party continues ... "


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