Monday, October 26, 2009

What Is The Best Painkiller For Waxing


After I had taken from behind Ivy, in the glow of the naked bulb E, is running TV, they quickly slipped into her panties, and pulled even jeans and a sweater on because she was late. The small town of Kufstein had come to the lucrative idea of the New Year's Fest 2000 brought forward by one day, so drink a lot celebrated twice: first, public, and the following day, private. Ivy on the phone: identified was that they met up with Brit at that ceremony. As I buttoned up his trousers door and strapped the belt, I heard:
Yes, Brit. I know it's late. For Karl. Yes, why not? I know. Took a bit longer. What do we have? Piglets. So, where are you? Hopfgarten? Who is with you? He is also drunk. Then he should stop a taxi ... What? A taxi is on the way? And he wants to ride. Good. You, Charles, where one can in Kufstein take? The restaurants are crowded all safe. "
" Outside the church, on the KINK Monument. Among the chestnuts. "
" Outside the church, Brit. About the KINK Monument. In half an hour? Well, ciao. "
Ivy looked at me. ride
"Will you?"
That was a good question. We were fucked. More, there was actually no longer do. The question was: I wanted to make a comfortable quiet, spend the evening in front of the TV, or did I drink and bustle.
"If you're pissed?" I asked.
"Heini? Heini's drunk, dredged to Brit and travel by taxi, walk? "
" Yes. "
"Is in love, her sugar is blowing in the ass fuck they want?"
Something like that. "Ivy straightened hair. "Do you want to?"
"Are the two a secret couple? With cousin Heinis Brit has been so fucked. "
" No. Not a couple. "
" Insignificant Brit looks like she has to have something fantastic thing that all types are pointed at them. Perhaps in the step? "
Ivy shook her head disdainfully. They did not like it when I spoke Sun
"Will you come now 'with?"
Yes. Heini would like to see again in action. "
" He's drunk, "Ivy was a concern.
"That increases the Entertainment value, "I laughed.
I threw a jacket on, and stumbled behind Ivy, down the stairs, out into the cold winter night, in the middle of the Tyrolean Pampa. Apart from the farmhouse the apartment building and a large garage, there was nothing here. Darkness surrounded the homestead like a bell. In the small, but fine cars from Ivy's mom, we meandered down to us through the twisty B-173 to the city. Ivy appealed to music, and I looked at it like a shark that had just eaten something good. We parked outside and walked to the center. At the agreed meeting point we had to push through, as close to the celebrating crowd stood on the Upper town square. Old and Young was on his feet, not only from the city itself, no, they had come from nearby Bavaria, she came to the gondola.
Ivy made me suffer might be good if I was sober or less, and small talk. When I drank, I was soon to her annoyance. For the wooden benches under the chestnut we waited for the two. While my views from this elevated position on the colorful celebration crowd wandered, I thought of a visit to Brit and Ivy. We had been sitting a while in Brits apartment, and the conversation had taken a sudden turn to the effect that sex, despite the otherwise gloomy predictions, also has a quantitative aspect. In a jolly mood, I had the two then laid over how many wives my former drinking buddies Heini had, and Rory, and I had. I had added according to and fro, and was finally, among the larger and growing eyes of the two girls came to the conclusion that Heini, prostitutes included, perhaps 150 women had had Rory about 40 and I just 15th To the astonishment of the two out, I was in a statistical noise. I have had them laid over how many Onenightstand including how many prostitutes, women from the wild, girlfriends, brief affairs,
types ... "What, Heini and Rory have made it with guys?" Ivy asked.
"Possibly, I had replied to them galloping loss of reality, and begun to exaggerate the matter in a grotesque way. I had brought trannies and midgets into play, whips and plush handcuffs. Since this thing, sex is, in and of itself, the greatest bluff since Genghis Khan, had her friends the fine seam between fact and fiction, which had moved through all my records, not detected.
»HEIDIHEIDIHEIDIHO," it was at our backs. We turned. Heini stood before us, 1.84, in fine cloth, black leather jacket, expensive bling on the wrist, and welt-sewn shoes. He grinned at me to be well known, indifferent Drunk grin. In addition, almost disappeared, small, round and nonetheless with an even broader grin: Brit. After an implied kiss on the hand for Ivy, and tight handshake with me, turned Heinis attention to his company immediately. This spoke but now with Ivy, the usual, long-time friends, exchange ideas. Heini, the attention of the object of his desire was withdrawn abruptly paused a moment, and moved at once-a specialty of the man-on the in-between speeches. The
sounded like this:
Brit, "Hey, Ivy shifting, sometimes the jacket to the side, the sweater is new,"
Heini: "How about if we just all, all would speak in hexameters"
Ivy: Yes. Not pretty, he likes you? "
Heini:" Yes. Nonsense. Pentameter. That's it. We talk in iambic. . Fünfhebigen mind "
Brit:" It feels great about the substance. This is surely not Kashmir? "
Ivy:" I do not know what kind of a substance. Is a Christmas present. "
Heini:" You know what we can with the pentameter. . Let's try it with just doggerel "
He clapped his hands:" Come on. All. In doggerel. "The gesture fell into the void.
Brit: feels "Thus, only Kashmir"
Heini. "How about achtsenkigen octahedra"
Ivy: I do not know, Kashmir? That would be pretty expensive. "
Heini:" Sechsknotigen thrombosis'?
Brit: "I'll tell you Ivy, is the sure Kashmir. Or torque, it can also just ... I knew the name yet. It may also darn ... it's me on the tongue. "
Heini:" I have received something in your mouth, ladies. In the hexameter rises the fountain liquid column. In the pentameter it falls down melodic "I
." Schiller "
Brit." Anyway, a great sweater. Lots going on here, huh? "
It was interesting to notice how perfect could hide Brit Heini. From one second to it was, the Virile, not to a Schelling-I mutated, or is this magnificent coinage of spruce? Damn. I suggested to the talking at in a warm, welcoming bar continue emergencies, and all agreed. Halfway there, we ran very straight path, with a mischievous grin on his broad face, Franz, the photographer on the road. Franz 38, 1.85 and straight, pulled over again small and medium-sized photo jobs on land. He had had several exhibitions, and made him walk the Vienna distant students. He was currently in the 23rd Semester from what I know. The new millennium had for him a little sad, because he has panted after the third year the fuck of the century, the graceful daughter of a photographer colleague. With colleagues, he spoke not a word, envy a guild history, with the daughter seems more! If he could get hold of her, because it was not easy. She studied in Innsbruck and was, as a future housekeeper, much abroad.
"Hey, go with a glass of French?" I asked, delighted to see him.
"No, no, can not, must find Sonya. Which is to be here. Somewhere. On this celebration. "
He was said to be fuck of the century, Sonja. She had already scanned Franz, not without some nasty comments afterward to make about how wooden and awkward on camera, where they would have.
"unprofessional," simply unprofessional, he had expressed several times. Heini, Franz did not know said, "Is this mixture from Kris Kristofferson and Jurgen van der Lippe your buddy? "
Yes one could" call it, I replied.
"Your gay friend then," stated Heini.
Franz looked neat appearance Heinis interested.
"Your so gay dude. Are you the gay buddy of Karl? "
These invectives bounced off Francis, while his research-based photographers eye Heinis scanned appearance. You could see that he does not quite know what kind of person the guy before him was in the leather jacket and the expensive bling on the wrist.
Heini put a stick to "homosexual, what? Hot gay is ne thing, how? What? You did not say, Homo answered? "
Franz grinning. "No,"
"Better so. Gays have to send me a break. . Especially if they wear leather jackets, "
Franz turned to me:" Well, I have to go. Somewhere on the Upper town square Sonja has been sighted. You have not seen them? "
» French Parole. That I would have reported immediately. "
" Good. Later I am in Kufa. "
" Yes, we might also look over there yet. "
The amount swallowed the French in the bar, the PLATZL, surprisingly little was going on. We sat at a table, Heini made sure that he came to sit next to Brit. The waiter, a well-built man mid-twenties, a few inches larger than Heini, crew cut, blond, with umgebundenem white apron waiter appeared and asked us politely yet our desires. Ivy and Brit who, like Heini and I sat opposite, ordered soft drinks. I opted for a beer. I felt as satisfied after winning a football match was completely satisfied and had to rush into anything.
"And her?" Asked the waiter Heini.
He stood a little while, the waiter block in the hands next to him. This stared at his hands, which he had laid flat on the table. A ring adorned his little finger.
"Whisky, gays," said Heini looking up, finally, no.
"How?" Believed "the waiter to have questioned.
Aha. On ice, pure, twice? "
" guessing ... gay ... "
" How was that? Double "
» Jeam-Beam, guess. "
," So. "
" Exactly, Homo. "
The waiter ignored the , and returned to his bar, it was nothing to him because, with a guest and debate that garnished his orders with insults. Brit chatted with Ivy and Heini degraded to non-self. I asked a few questions to Heini, he replied rather disjointed and superficial. What was even more psychic energy in it, and it was still a certain amount left, he was planning to focus on Brit. When he had to economize apron hunter course, and I urged him not a conversation that he would not. The drinks were served.
"Thank you ... gay."
The waiter ignored this, we clinked glasses, Heini moved his chair very close to the Brits, and laid a hand on the chair. He now spoke in a subdued tone to a Brit who had put up with - but was grinning while they consider - and I tried to start a conversation with Ivy. Since we had had an hour ago, that was hard. It splashed along, eventually it dried up, and we listened to Heini and Brit. Heini was was just a real word harabsprudeln beam Brit. Brit took a shower and rest comfortably in it, and indeed as a flattered. She fished a Lulle from the pack, Heini was hastily snapped his silver lighter, and gave her a light. They inhaled enjoyable, and blew her because Heini Heini-wanted to be in that second in all its unsophisticated their masculinity Heini - with great composure to face the smoke. Heinis not stopped the word jet. So far as I now understand, he wanted to disappear with Brit on the toilet, where they could give free rein to the natural, on the spot, immediately. Brett grinned and said, "No. Heini looked taken aback at the table. His face showed a treacherous Moment deep frustration, but he immediately recovered himself, and he got going again. Brit seemed to enjoy the games, especially as they pretended to govern. You could be like Heinis advances to periodically shook his head, and enjoyed it when he collapsed inside a picture of misery, only to once again make an effort and to change his tactics. Heini went on to leading questions, his chair pushed the Brits like magic closer and closer, Heini's arm was now on the backrest of the same, but it led to nothing. And now disturbed also the waiter.
"Can it still be something?"
We said no. Without taking his eyes off Brit said Heini. "Futschädl whiskey ..." The waiter went
. Brit disappeared a minute for calls outside the door, and I explained.? "I think you should reconsider your come-again"
"my How," asked Heini, and put his forehead wrinkles.
"Well, yes. Brit you ask leading questions in front of everyone. I know them, and here too is her best friend. Today we make sure to have dozens of their friends. If Brit the child and type at home that you and has the child and wife at home, now pushing a cheap point, it knows very morning Kufstein. This is not a trucker hooker in Holland. That would be no number which happens far away, with no before and after. That you the horny Kasper doing is ridiculous enough. I know what you mean. It's not the first time you throw away you so long, until finally throwing away the woman. But the case here is different. "
The waiter came as a surprise with the whiskey. I looked, he had filled the glass better than it would have been necessary.
"The Brit is the Hubert not together anymore," interjected Ivy.
Heini said, "Ah, the drink, thank you ... Futschädl"
The waiter was gone.
"Well, you see, old grouch," triumphed Heini, "no longer with the Hubert."
Yes, "Ivy restricted immediately," but your come-is really ... "
" Well, as it is, beautiful child, "asked, Heini, who now looked to the Ivy first time. Did he intend to switch sides?
"Too präpotent, I helped her out.
"Exactly," confirmed Ivy. . 'Besides, one you see to much that you're horny "
No, to what is said to respond," said Heini (he did not see the Brit once again was behind his seat): "You've really developed well in recent years . 're More mature now, "and with a glance at me he said," Did Karl are almost always one when he can talk to you, "Ivy said
"? First of all, thanks for the compliment. And your question: no, the Charles has no posts. Not any more, "said
For a second no one, then burst Brit, who had understood the allusion going on,". Haha, that was good. Not anymore, haha, not anymore. "
Heini, who understood nothing, turned around nimbly.
"Ah, beautiful woman. Back again, "he said, and drew both of their chairs now rightly so, that he sat opposite her as the train. He put both hands on the armrests of her chair, and started another attempt. When it comes to putting went Heini was a great fighter. The rest of his life he felt as an imposition rather than as a challenge. The game is just now repeated themselves, but Heini, to stay with the golf metaphor was, at first not even the ball onto the green. The whiskey was all Heini and yelled across the restaurant, as he raised his empty glass and thus made pivoting movements. "Hey, whiskey Futschädl"
I saw the waiter's apron abband. I quickly got up and went to meet him.
"We want to pay, then we disappear."
The waiter looked me over.
"you pay for everything?" Yes. "
I returned to the table. My suggestion to go into the restaurant, found in the girls' consent, and Heini at least no opposition. The festive outdoor gear, the girls rushed forward-mouthed, as I walked by Heini. The cold seemed to have sobered a bit, and I tried to influence him.
"Hey, dude. What is this all? Do not you see that you can run up Brit? This is a game, and one where the ball are. The frustet up deliberately. And that she likes. You notice that? "
" Yes. But they can not do that forever. "
" That's self-destruction. "
" I know. But a jaunty self-laceration is not to be despised. Two or three times a year. With a breeze Ignoriertwerdn, frustration and a side dish. "
" sexual frustration, "I muttered to myself.
Heini heard: "Yes, that sexual frustration. But they can not hold out all night long. If she has fucked Josi, even I can fuck her. "
So that was the gist of the matter. Josi was Heinis seven years younger cousin, and then still his biggest fan, it could not be that the student was permitted, what did not make the Masters.
I fill it just as strong. Tequila. Then it will go. "
" You mean when she's drunk, it works. "
" Yes, sir. Where exactly is this KUFA? What does it all for a store? But not the one where they hang out Zausel and intellectuals, and this Jutte instead of plastic chicks? "
" Yes. "
" Oops. "
"Cool down. New Year's audience is mixed. Also, what it sheared off you as long as you Brit not lose the viewfinder "
KUFA it was in the topsy-turvy.. Excited chattering people were shoulder to shoulder. We were lucky, just got up the crew of a table, and already we were sitting on the chairs. Frank saw me and sat down beside me.
"Did you see Sonya?" He asked with a look across the table to Heini. This Brit was already over again as the train, his hands on her chair back.
"No. Is she here? "
" No, otherwise I would not ask so, "replied Franz irritated.
Can " be that you were told, she is here. "
" No. "
" Is she ever at the festival? "
Yes. It was seen and this was reported to me. "
" Well, I have not seen. "
» At home she is not, "French sinierte
" How do, Master Frank? "I allowed myself to be funny .
"Am passed. Two, three. No light. In the whole non-flat. All flown. Their parents. "
" Maybe they sleep. "
" At 11:30 am on New Year's Eve, you fool. "Vorsilvester." "Does not matter. She was seen. Clear? 20 minutes. "
" Since when do you actually spying after? "
" Since she is so rare. Is my phone ban. Go out of my way. Is it possible to deny. "
Yeah, not good."
Yes. But it does not always so.Es are days when she is back graciously. That is the madman. Therefore I had to take special measures. I did find a place that I can look into her apartment. The curtains are open. Evening when the lights you see everything. That is, kitchen and living room. I can get with the telephoto lens ... "
" Ah. So a pair of binoculars in your car. "
" Also, too. However, since these balconies in the town house are over. You'd have to I want to smear. If that happens again, "I
Francis knocked in a semi-cheek, half played collegiality on the shoulder." Of course. When it comes to the fuck of the century. You have taken it already, and sent him your photos where you have extended his legs by a computer. "
" Yes, yes ... If at the ideal length. "
" her legs really that short? "
" Oh, no. What are you thinking. It has better legs than some. But a little longer would not hurt. "
" Well, Sonja will have been glad to get a photo of her figure looks like it does not. "
Franz ignored the irony and said.
"Yes, yes. But I've never photographed nude. Do you understand? And I just need to find out anything about her private life, everything, you understand everything. "
" How long have stalks her again? "
" Two years. "
" Without a green branch to come, "I said.
"White is, without coming to a green branch?"
"Well the answer to your problem template."
"What problem template?"
"Well, it is the fuck of the century, or is it not."
"If I know, "said Franz, and his eyes went nowhere.
"Do you have any investigative opportunities already exhausted? "
" No. I need to find out more about her old boyfriend. "
" The well-maintained architecture students with the perm? "
" Yes, yes. I need to know exactly what's going on between the two actually. I need photos, Fotots, photographs, tape recordings, if it somehow does. "
" You know him. Squeeze him out. "
" That is not me. He is never there. "
Sonja measured way, 1.50 and weighed about 40 pounds. You can claim fair to beat: the biggest passion in Francis' life was one of the smallest women of Kufstein. Franz 1.85, by his curly mane, he was still large, was from mid-thirties become handsome. He grew up without having to be thick in width. This imbalance in both their appearance did not seem to mind. When I asked him once exaggerated: "Why do you think this is actually the female homunculus fuck of the century," he laughed, and replied: "Well. Well, that you think so. You are not the confiscation. The more types think this way, the less the competition for me. is the greater my chances, "
Yes," was my comment was stretched to "from this perspective we see the course"
A snub-nosed girl sat with an enthusiastic: ".. Yes, hello, how are you Frank? " next Franz, interrupting our conversation raw. Franz turned to her, and while the two were talking, I had to smile at the grotesque piece of detective work, think, that Francis had removed in May of this year. In terms of Sonja. I had assisted him there.


same place, the KUFA, about the same time, only seven months earlier, May 1999.

"I need to know what she's up, I simply must know," Franz said with emphasis, and drank with his swing eighths white. He was very long lain with Sonja in the ears, and I cried impatiently:
»French Instead here to ignite an intellectual smokescreen after another, what made it only makes driving less transparent, easy to Innsbruck, where Sonja is there, as you say. Driving out and spies on them. I sometimes have the feeling of Sonja daily at some bar, and always to talk to other people gives you more than anything to actually do. "
" go up? Yes. I've played with this idea, "thought Franz
" I have a friend in Innsbruck, Al. You know him. "
" Oh. The grown men? The gene with the hawk nose? "
." If you could stay, if your tour up into the night continues, and you're drunk, in order to drive the car back. "
"Well. Yes. But if I want to be Holmes, you would my Watson, "
I put the troubled man's hand on the shoulder"? am When it comes to spy on your fucking of the century, I liked your Watson "
" Very good.. Two heads are better than one. This could go. Where do we meet your friend? "
» Elferhaus. "
" The restaurant? What is he doing there? "
" waiters. But not every day. When he has free tomorrow, we even have six eyes. "
" Six eyes, magnificent. Kellner, an eighth. No, two. This is on me. "
20 hours later we were sitting in Franz's orange VW Beetle. We had the exit Innsbruck-West taken and turned into just Kranebitter-Allee.
"What exactly do you want to find out about?" I asked, already a little tipsy. I held the open bottle of white wine between my thighs, absorbed in a map.
"Well, I told you before I said," bellowed Franz He had put me to feed on antidepressants for several weeks, the strike would now at last. In combination with alcohol, which led to him apparently sudden and aversive states, and heavy pulse loss of control. Put it bluntly: he became the howler monkeys. With astonishment, I had registered as an old friend (still in common High school days) had yelled on the phone, had understood this as a hectic Echoing these concerns by Franz not available in all its nuances. (It was dropped by invitation card to a photo exhibition).
"First, the students home! I know where is her room. "
" Damn you've been there before? "
" Yes! But on a visit. Because of the photo session. Her friend was also there. First, then, then. I can only hope that this stupid curtain is not preferred. She was then pushed to the side. We must find a point to catch them with a telephoto lens give me the bottle once and then ... then ... the premises it. We meet with Al, he knows that we are good. And it means: observe. Six eyes. Terrific. Al they might even become entangled in a conversation. It does not know. He can but does not it? As a waiter. We remain in the background, we can tell. The best I ever put a personal file on her. Including psychological profile, photos, statements from third parties, everything, right? I must find out why it drives me towards this double game. For the best you know not yet "
The best was yet in this very virtual love affair with Franz always. The last of her, his inner flesh-tearing maneuvers.
"I hear."
"I've even called yesterday. I wanted to know whether they might come to Kufstein, over the weekend, so we are not going to Innsbruck for nothing. "
" moment. When we parted it was two clock in the morning. "
" So what? I said yes not with their parents. I used a cell phone number she gave me self-given recently. She herself. Me. "
" Yes, yes. "
" Well, it takes off someone. Her mother. I'm thinking: Shit, is that not still be the number of her mother. What was that? Well, I'm not the type who hangs up immediately. So I asked if I could speak Sonja. Yes, I could, "said the voice. She says hello and as I say: Hi, how are you, she says into the phone, in a voice as if I had a hard, unforgiving, nothing again committed well-making crimes, she says so, give me again the bottle, well, the White-she says so ... so ... she says Franz, call me here ever again under this number. And hangs up. "
Franz did contribute the words.
"Crazy, right? I must find out who owns this phone. Perhaps her friends in Munich? Maybe that was not the voice of their mother. This would mean also that it was even yesterday in Kufstein. Ah, here we are. "
Are We stopped at the parking lot in front of the dormitory. Franz grabbed the camera with the telephoto lens conspicuous, and jumped from the car.
"Come on. Get off, "he asked in a completely inappropriate, sudden haste. I hurried to the hand on the neck of the wine bottle.
Franz was already as fast as his legs carried him, almost like a walker (I did it in all the years never had running), on a bare concrete stairs, sitting outside on a section of the complex. I trotted along behind, stopped braced an arm on his hip, and once took a swig. No. This pathological Have a love-sick should not be applied to me. I had to consider all this as a nice trip. "Watson, cool down," I said to myself. Franz, who believed me close behind, was held on the first bend of the stairs, peering through the tele and I heard him say, "There, there is her room. On the ground floor, you see it? Do you see it? "
" moment. Must catch up first. "
Franz turned annoyed. He saw the bottle.
"Striking it does not work, what? Since all students go through the area, if you have not noticed it yet, "
" Hey. Still. The bottle is even more striking here than this monstrous telephoto, yes? You look like a Bavarian paparazzi. "
" nonsense. Come here. Look through. But no, you know what, we sneak to the hedges down there. As you can see even more. "
" Are pushed for the curtains to the side? "I asked, as Frank has already past me again hinabpolterte the stairs.
"So half, halfway,"
like two idiots, we were selected for a good while this hedge peering alternately through the Tele and craned their necks. Three feet behind us was a paved road. Students walked by, saw us and frowned. Others acted as if they were the two figures, the detectives obviously were not even notice. Franz took some photos, and known eventually resigned, "You is not because it is not there. You can of course be in the room of a fellow student. "
Back to the Beetle.
Al , Calling Al comes. We sit in ZAPPA. Volume up 13 to 16 year old. We're talking about very young girls. About that here recently a Teeny, was killed because he had been slashed in the wake of a brawl with a broken beer glass, the carotid artery. Today, everything is peaceful. Franz is not dead, he must live, and hunt the obscure object of his desire afterward. Al is finally the saving question: "How is she like this, these Sonja" Franz is blossoming, Franz kicks off. We leave the pub. Dusk falls even from above, the flame lanterns. We rattle off the premises. We get to the courtyard garden. Franz sends us before both as a patrol. He tells us we should find among the many stroll through the occupied tables outside, a look at the bar throw, and keep on the lookout for it, namely, the Hofgarten was one of their favorite entertainment places, he was still below its in the safe custody of dawn and bushes. In the light bulbs tense series sitting on their chairs in front of their monoblock monoblock tables omitted people talking, toasting, to himself, and laugh. Al and I look at you and immediately boarded the bar we order a cold beer, come in and talk to as many liebessiecher theory, and finally fracture. We drink, remind us of old times in between and let the eyes wander a bit.
"You see Sonya? No,"
. " Is it? There. Is small. "
" No. Sonja is smaller. Can you still remember how the cops are at that time ... "
The second beer we are not quite sure what Frank has told us.
"Where is he? Did not he say, we should observe, and he would come after? "
" No idea. Should not we go back to the lilac bushes and they shall submit the report? "
" already. Did not he say he would take our staying away as a sign that Sonia is not here to meet, and? "
" In the bar? "
We'll look at. We laugh, and empty our beer. We pay and a leisurely stroll between the people and pass on the lilac bushes to.
"Oh, there he is," say, Al.
Franz stands with an angry look, hastily pulling on a Lull, in his hiding place and shouted, completely with the nerves at the end: "Did I not tell you to do, say, by decision. I stand here now for half an hour! For half an hour! "
Al Franz looks at her with wide eyes.
I defused the situation, "Come, Franz, we sit in the courtyard, a glass of"
"What's that hot.? Does that mean you have not found her? "
" No. Also: we thought you came for, "I say.
"Believed believed arch!" Franz raises both arms in the air, and rotates in a circle. He looks like he alswürde any moment go after us.
"What is not, can still be" reassured him Al. We take coffee in the courtyard space, and after the second quarter, Franz looser. He is suddenly ready to talk about other matters, as on his fuck of the century. We found
Sonja no longer that night. Al and I went to Franz, an alternative program: we invited him to drinks, played pool with him, racing to the computer, and threw arrows. Last but Franz was drunk enough to let himself get into bed without protest. As a baby, all day was over anxious, and calm with a whiskey-soaked cloth has got to suck, he slipped peacefully into the realm he dreams.


Back in the present

Franz continued to speak with the nosed girl who gave him admiringly-loving glances, and I had to watch Muse across the table, as it was with Heini and Brit. Heini had his hands on their chair backs, before they were already a few empty wine glasses and tequila and how it looked, he had the ball still not on the green. Now a youthful-looking fellow was still a blonde Fönlocke therefore, Brit tapped from behind on the shoulder and greeted her effusively. Brit seemed to know the guy well, she was pleased, and flight Blonde Locke grabbed a chair, placed it across the front Heinis, and spoke to her. In
Heinis face was going a change. Once again he found himself in the role of Schelling's non-self. Because of a giddy blonde. Ivy, which had somewhat mixed among the people came to my chair and said, 'Look, there is Adriane "
I had no idea why they tell me to Adrian, the child psychologist, drew attention. My affair with her was 5 years ago. I nodded Ivy to just what they irritated. Probably they had expected a sign of joy. However, with Adrian, I had the whole man, woman, games by. Once around the clock. The total hubris. Because you can not laugh sympathetically or do happy. That was tricky.
Ivy disappeared with her glass in the crowd and I cast an admiring eye on not bad shaped legs, and the decent ass, tight in the jeans. I was proud of her ass. Just typed
Heini, I feared for his life now, Blonde Locke on the shoulder. The
turned around. Heini told him now, he should ease up, and emphasized his request by a football coach who wants to reassure the game, the palms of his outstretched arms moving up and down easily.
The blond did not understand.
Heini said flat "Stop the ball, old man
" What shall I do, "
" You have understood me.? Gay. Thou shalt keep the ball. Got "The Blonde
to deal with the fear that ended the conversation with Brit, and said goodbye with a heartfelt kiss on her cheek. Heini put his hands back on chair backs Brits. By chance I looked to the bar, and saw the blonde who threw there, out of danger, a view to making sure the two. He stared for a while over, shook his head suddenly, made a sign of Bescheurtsein a circular hand motion in front of his forehead and turned around. Heini rose heavily to order something. His eyes fell on me, he came up and his spirits flag fell on me when he said: "What do you drink, and your gay friend? I schmeiser 'a round. "
" Well, tequila. The can opener. "
'opener, ha, who was" good babbled, Heini and worked through to the bar. The moment he was gone, snatched Brit pack of cigarettes and lighters in her bag, got up in a flash and was gone out the door. Heini was back, and frowned, four tequilas in the hands irritated the forehead. Questioning, gnawing on his Lulle, he looked at me.
"Brit has" left the restaurant, I cried. Heini realized. Hard he threw himself into the chair. Tequila spilled from the glass when he touched down hard on the table. A wine glass fell down. Now, you could see clearly was the air out. Heini stared for a minute on the table surface, then he started with his upper body in a circular motion to make, as if he is from one second to the other drunk three times as before. He suddenly shot up, as he would withdraw. His chair fell over. Constantly with the upper body in circles, he fished a pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket, ripped the plastic off, threw it behind him, fumbled in his pocket after detonators, she found, heated up to the lull, the matchbox threw behind him, inhaled, took Lull in the left hand, led a tequila, right to the mouth, he drank, threw the glass was behind him, always swaying and circling, the second glass, drank it, threw it behind him (well, the first guests attentively), took the third party, drank threw it behind him wanted to take the fourth glass, threw it around with drunk-clumsy hand, stood there for a second, staggered, looked into a tremendous void, and mumbled something to the good circuit, such as taxi or Schnackseln. Heini went. This scene is Franz and the snub-nosed had observed. ?
"What's wrong with him," asked Franz
"I think he is afflicted with"
"On what he said,"
"To the province,"
"Oh, Franz after brief reflection, he added.?.: "So this is a"
into the night to Adrian sat down with us, my less than Franz motion, on which it stood. But that was occupied by the nosed confiscated. So I came to talk with Adrian. missing since her last boyfriend, an interior designer and gun nut in the Andes, she began to flourish again. The guy had a lot of pressure and drunk, he had become not uncommon in a real disgust. But now was the good man history and Adriane enjoyed it. We were deep in the text and when she asked me how I was still coming home in the boonies, and I shrugged, she offered me to stay with her.
"Will not interfere with your daughter?" I asked.
"is celebrating today," her father, Adrian replied. In her apartment we sat for a while chatting with the wine. Ancient times to live and lay ambiguous on the scene. The morning came and I went to with her, a long ride right into the winter morning sun, their eyes glowing with the window.


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