Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why Do I Get Infinity On Vuze


I was little 20 and slept still at home. For a week I worked in construction. Electrical installations. There was a large, multi-storey building shell and the two types, those in the van drove to Hall of Wörgl had eaten for years into the job in itself. This was seen in them.
The driver was a tall beanpole, who did not say much. His mind worked like the dull ticking of an old clock. The second was small, and behind glasses thick as Coke bottles flashed two psychopaths eyes. I was not sure if he sodomites, pedophile, or simply just mentally deranged was completely. The first two days were uneventful. We drove into the Tiefgearage, the beanpole worked somewhere else and I dragged the boy with whom I work, the honor had, tool boxes and cable reels afterwards. About railing loose concrete stairs, it went up to the 7th floor. Then we drilled and schremmten four hours. In the resulting holes and depressions, we moved and installed cable outlets. During the lunch break, I munched me to a quiet place where I could eat in peace my buns and drink my beer. Only the two do not have to see, not only have to talk to them, was my only thought. But I could not think. By Schremmer and drilling was cemented in my brain like. Zero, nada dead, a state that I experienced the first time. It seemed to experience more often not desirable. In the afternoon the same in green. Re-drilling, Schremmer, swallow dust, cables into holes to mount sockets. On the third day of the homecoming trip to the little rolled down the window and yelled repeatedly girl who went on the road behind piggish expressions, and then breaking out into a bleating laugh. Most girls did not respond, others looked confused. The little boy was one of those people who refuse to wash their hair or brush their teeth. He rolled his own cigarettes, spit tobacco crumbs after each train and its two smoking fingers were yellow. On the fourth day, he believed me, under the cable laying, having to tell his life story. It consisted mainly of an endless series of frustrating, unhealthy and underpaid jobs. I had listened in silence. This man interested me less, than this job. And that was saying something. On Friday morning, I trudged behind with tool box and the small cable reel on the concrete stairs, I knew that I would throw in the job. I was not going 20 to be a zombie. In the 7th floor I put down the stuff, and while the little one turned, I took the rest of Kramer from the garage. This time geschremmt only in the morning. In the afternoon, the cables were laid. This work was less strenuous, but basically the same monotonous and boring and crappy as the Schremmer. But, oh wonderful. My mind returned. Soon I was with my thoughts in my local pub. They had a new waitress there, which I pointed.
counter closing time I yelled the boy suddenly, because I had a cable plugged into the wrong pipe and the incorrect information with a hole. He was beside himself. His head was red, and flashed his eyes psychopaths. He yelled something about I was arrogant, I think probably what is better, and he was hot-tempered, and if I'm not careful, we soon had a wound. I pulled the plastic tube from the incorrect hole, and got the wrong cable from the plastic tube. I searched and found the right cable, the right tube and the fitting hole in the wall. So I thought the case does. But the boy did not stop crying. He got just are not produced. He was standing in the bare room and jumped and screamed like Rumpelstiltskin. Reluctance I had to grin. The first smile in this job. But one week-that was too little. The little boy looked at the grin and shot me.
"What is there to grin? You arrogant monkey, you arrogant monkey! "
In his hand he held a crowbar. I had no desire to reply, shook his head and went back to my cable. He grabbed my upper arm. I shook him off. "Hey, hey ...«, I said. He swung the crowbar, but in a reflex that surprised even me, but all too evident, I popped him one with the back of the hand. His glasses sailed against the concrete wall and broke. He proposed to me with the crowbar, but without his glasses he missed me smooth. He threw it away and jumped on me. We fell to the ground and wrestled with each other. He got hold of a cable and wanted me around the neck. But he was just too little, and finally he had the cord around the neck.
I went to. He choked. "Not not," he whispered.
His eyes stood out like a frog. I moved just a little bit and then let go. I got up and knocked me to the concrete dust from the pants.
"I catch you ... I get up ...«, gasped the Small and straightened up. I jogged loose by a few rooms and when I saw that he was not following me, I strolled comfortably down the concrete stairs. That was with the glasses have been my good fortune.
Before the shell I sucked the warm spring air deep into my lungs. Freedom! Redemption! I would stop to Wörgl and I approve of my favorite restaurant a few beers. Maybe the new waitress was there. I had gone barely three paces, when a 1000-gram hammer in front of me slammed on the concrete floor. I looked up. No one was visible.
I took the hammer and threw me a look. The electric company, whose logo was emblazoned on the handle, was to me for exactly one week's wages owed.

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