Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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* 20 June 2007 - † 01 July 2008; fgp my-blog stops

In the summer of 2007, just a year ago I opened my Weblog (a network = diary). Today I finish with the 170th Review my blogging . Comments on the blog are now no longer possible. Condolences I am happy in my guestbook or by e-mail (mail@frankpohl.de) counter. I want to thank also to thank all who have read my blog diligently.
see right hand column you helpful tips for browsing in this blog. Have fun!

[ English? and other languages? click on "Google - Translation" on the right side! Have! Fun]

Vogelsinger Academy Review

word explanation: "sabbatical" - a free year

somehow seemed the word "sabbatical" to irritate a lot - it is a time-out. Some asked if I would go this year to the monastery because it has indeed something to do with religion. Has not. I use the word only because it is the official designation for a free year, which one has previously "worked" with the employer.

means Applied to the world of work the sabbatical year that an employee is leaving after six years, such as the workplace to take a break. After this time round workers recovered well and returned with renewed vigor in the company. He could do in that time holidays or to fulfill another request, for example, an international internship or participate in a longer training. In the world of work may take a sabbatical year, usually between three and twelve months (because it sometimes takes less than a year, it is often American "sabbatical" is named).

course, a sabbatical to be financed. Save up you can, for example, by getting paid for an agreed period, only a portion of salary, that is, who agreed to the "seventh" scheme, seven years waived long every month to one-seventh of its income (and also to corresponding pension rights) . The work (teaching) volume remains unchanged.

Back to the religious origin of the word. It can describe the seventh year in which the field lies fallow to allow the soil to regenerate: The Sabbath year is originally a term from the Old Testament. After his year again a better harvest is expected.

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Review - What does not stand in my weblog:

- that I would be moved in the sabbatical year, almost,

- that I've worked in the sabbatical year as well. At last I managed to work in the cool spring of 2008, which itself makes you vain as a teacher for the part in the summer holidays, which is also for teachers' school-free ": sort sift accumulated material, and even prepare some lessons already.

Not everything could the weblog posts. But text and photos but are a "speech event" to come to talk with you about my sabbatical to chat. :-)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Southern Slang Phrase Skip

"Support Obama!" - Where's McCain?

After Hillary Clinton now away from windows, one stands out: Barack Obama is the media darling. One would not know better, you'd think next week would be elected. So much is here to Election '08 reported.

activists of the Democratic Party are highly motivated

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"Happy Pride!"

to 38 Time took place the celebration of the San Francisco Pride, and with over 1 million people flooded twice as many as usual for the Pride. There were 200 parade units, 300 exhibitors at the Pride Celebration at Civic Center - were on stage including Cyndi Lauper and Crystal Walters.

The motto: United by Pride, Bound for Equality (United in Pride [pride] - on the road to equality). Actually, the slogan should have read "Just Married", for here was celebrated at every point that the local court had rejected a request to halt gay marriages in California, it was determined the Pride. But in the fall there is already the start of the next legal Opponents of equality.

mayor Mayor Gavin Newsom:

Pride Street Festival at the Civic Center :

Short clips of the parade on Market Street:

On the edge the "CSD" Parade: conversion attempts by "Christians":

Does Chloe On Days Of Our Lives Wear Contacts

Premiere: Another gay movie II

I spontaneously decided in the film "Another Gay Sequel : Gays Gone Wild!" to go. It is the continuation of the shrill comedy Another gay movie by director Todd Stephens (like this: in the interview) that in the nature of the U.S. college film American Pie the "Getting Started" tells the story of five gay men in the gay life. before

But then the painful history of the cinema before the movie begins: I spoke to someone, because if we all would line up for the movie? Yes, this is the "rush line" (so to speak, the last-minute queue for returned tickets) and as I tell him on the long end ... "Wow," he says. However it turns out then that it is one of the main characters from the film. Although I use the "first part" of Another gay movie had seen, I did not notice that it is Jonathan Case. Next to me are assembled now, and eventually all actors, while in fact should open the floor where I drown can.

Fortunately, the film was just as embarrassing. The holiday story to Fort Lauderdale, with Ru Paul as a moderator of a competition was fun to pain threshold and is very bold in some places ...

Brent Corrigan - Part 2 is also represented, or "adult star" ;-)

to premiere this film the other actors: including Jonah Blechman, Michael Carbonaro, Jonathan Chase, Mitch Morris

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How To Do Sew In With Side Bangs

My book is published in the fall

Today I received the edited manuscript to the publisher my book back. I am happy with the changes made by the publisher. The appearance of the novel, as I wrote it is now realistic.

As you can see the tracks (so) it's about homosexuality among young people.

to content:
As the 14-year-old Basti up in the morning, he did not know that a day in the life so much can change. With his friend Ferhat, whom he admired, they are the coolest boy in school. After a fight at school in Basti must suddenly the question is whether he is gay ...

"Are you gay or what?" is a short novel about friendship, love and homosexuality and will be released in fall 2008. Then the book is available in any bookstore and ordered from Amazon or directly from the publisher at the Ruhr . There is also the publication of the novel supplementary teaching materials in the form of a card index literature, written by me.

Date: appears on 31/10/2008
(ISBN: 978-3-8346-0444-6)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Does Starbucks Hot Cocoa Have Caffeine

Castro: Traditional cinemas

Castro is not only the name for the gay district in San Francisco, the area is home also the same age-old cinema.

this venerable movie palace I wanted to visit in the autumn of 07th But unfortunately, the program-kino only uninteresting Ham. This week, there but instead of the LGBT Festival frame lines and with it a varied movie experience - from feel-good movies like Tru Loved (Stewart Wade, USA 2008) to more serious fare such as Before I forget ( Avant que J'oublie , Jacques Nolot, France, 2007). So go ...

combines the architecture of the house under its dome in the Mexican style different styles. The theater has a festive and before the main movie is played organ in a classic - "classic" in the sense of traditional film music. The original organ of an old cinema offers technically-sound Refinements that are not just for film buffs very impressive!

organ end before the movie begins

The Castro Theatre dates from the 1920s and did not fall - like us - war, 70-year city planning delusional or modern multiplex Cinemas victim. What luck! Founded in the cinema of the family Nasser. In 1908 the brothers had begun Nasser with a "Nickelodeon" - a small screening room to the one received by 5 cents (= a "nickel") entry. 1922, then built the present movie theaters in the Castro Street.

This road also gave the district its name, though some of the surroundings at that time still "little Scandinavia" was called (because of the many immigrants from Denmark, Norway and Sweden). But "Castro" was the name since 1887, the last stop of the tram coming from downtown and is left Castro, with whom the district has been famous since the 1960s.

experienced the cinema itself, meanwhile, several changes of ownership and common time-related films made changes to the building in the 70's was listed. The organ was restored in 2001 and took over the descendants of the brothers, Nasser again the management of the cinema.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Average Cost Of Hor'dourves Per Person

After three quarters of a year in the U.S. - Impressions

Artist John Paul Marcello (Dolores Park)

Movie News: also "Hulk" should not be bad ..:-)

Beckham on all

Golden Gate Park

Barack Obama now been battered?

The Environment: "Free Transportation Day"

here just totally hip: the Lou Bega-Gangsta-Hat (For boys, of course, in black). Ridiculous.

swimming in JCCSF

€ I moved here in 2008: Germany-Turkey 3-2

Conversion Kit For Simplicity Ellis

San Francisco celebrates the introduction of gay marriage in California